Monthly Archives: March 2009

Cats Are Dumb

O.K., not all cats are that bad. Bruce seems pretty cool.

But the cats that live here…dumb.

Here is Chloe playing, being fat & being dumb & not knowing her tail was in her water dish.

I LOL’d her for my your amusement.



I didn’t want Moe to feel left out, so I LOL’d her too.


By the way shouldn’t someone start a literacy fund for those Lolcats & Loldogs. Their spelling and grammer are awful.


Oskar & The Devil Squirrel

Camera Critters

*Oskar’s note: My mom person wouldn’t make me a new post for today’s Camera Critters on account of she almost ate a spider that was in her breakfast, & now she feels “pukey”. Mom, I said, spiders are yummy. A little crunch on the outside with a soft creamy center. Then she made me go outside. I will never figure these people out!*

One rainy, muddy backyard


+ one devil squirrel


= one filthy tub


& one wet, disgruntled schnauzer!


Go to Camera Critters for more fun!



My mom person says I have to “let Moe share the spotlight.” Moe is one of the cats my mom person calls my sisters. We have already established that this is a lie.

Anyway, here are some action shots of Moe.






Yeah, that’s it. That is Moe. Hope you could keep up with that flurry of activity.

Next time we’ll get back to you’re regularly scheduled schnauzer.


Mom’s Sick

My mom person is sick. She’s grumpy & won’t play with me.

You know what’s weird? After she pukes she doesn’t eat it back up like I do. I’ll never understand people.


Some Recognition, Finally

Prêmio Dardos Pictures, Images and Photos

My blog friend Carolina from Brinkbeest in English gave me an award, because I’m awesome! She’s from the Netherlands, which my mom person says isn’t far from Germany where schnauzers come from.

This is what the award says:

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.

I’m not really sure what that means, but I’m good with that.

Carolina knows about cool animals because she has 3 dogs. Their not schnauzers, but not everyones can be blessed like my people. She also has 5 cats, 2 horses, 2 chickens, & 2 pigs! She almost lost me with the 5 cats thing, but her pigs are very handsome so I forgive her. If you don’t believe me click here for a picture of Nufnuf. (My mom tried to put Nufnuf’s picture on here, but Photobucket didn’t cooperate.)

Thank you Carolina & Nufnuf.
