My Christmas Quilt Is Back!

Some of you may remember the pawsome Christmas quilt that my mom persons mom made several years ago. ย We are lucky enough that she has made us a lot of quilts, but this one is my favorite.

Based on the weak evidence in this picture, my mom person thinks I might be spoiled.

I really don’t know why she would say that.

I think this look says it all…

Don’t get between me and my Christmas quilt!

Pee Ess ~ I drew the winner of the Iams gift basket & I’m happy to announce it’s Murphy & Stanley. ย We sent you an e-mail to get your info, doods.



39 Responses »

  1. Oskar that is a wonderful quilt and it looks good on you! We answered your mom’s email for our info. When mom read us the notification email, me and Stanley jumped up and bumped paws as we shouted “YAY”! We are very excited to win. Thank you for hosting this contest!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Now we KNOW Christmas is nearly here. Snuggle up Oskar and keep warm! Smooches, Bella

    And don’t let those cats on it! XXXOOO Daisy & Roxy

  3. You are NOT spoiled… YOU are DESERVING !!

    CONGRATULATIONS to Murph and Stan !!!

    OH Oskar… I TRULY DO REMEMBER your WONDERFUL Christmas QUILT from last year!!! It looks so comfy and warm. Your mom did a spectacular job on it.

  4. Oskar, we think your Christmas quilt is beautiful and it is made just for you, look at how handsome and special you look on it. Enjoy it, and by the way, we don’t think there is anything wrong with being spoiled. It is just another word for loved.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  5. Looks to us like your just be comfortable and getting ready for a nappie poo, we don’t see anyone there thats spoiled!

    Your Pals
    Susie, Bites & Shadow

  6. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, what a great quilt! Being spoiled is not the same as being cozy. Not at all. What’s the point of having such a fabo quilt if you’re not going to snuggle in it?!?
    BTW: Thanks for the great card, my good furiend!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  7. I see nothing wrong with this picture. My dogs are my babies, in addition to the human and husband child course. You just snuggle right up!.
    Alyssa, Mr. Fox & Scruffy
    ps – I am a peep, hope you don’t mind, who writes about my little mixes who I saved from bad futures.

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