Fallen Angels

We have no words to offer today except the prayers for all of those lost in the Connecticut elementary school shooting today.

We pray for the children and adults who are still fighting for their lives, we pray for those who lost loved ones both children and adults, and also we pray for the family of the shooter.

May God be with them all.


19 Responses »

  1. I felt a horrible emptiness when I heard of the tragedy today. I fight for the light…and I hope everyone else does, too. For we have a choice to live in darkness or live for the light which is life. I am going to be an elementary school teacher in 2 1/2 years and I hope this act never occurs on the Earth’s soil every again…and if it should, I will fight for the light…I will fight for the children’s safety. The image you chosen is how I feel today, but in my heart, I fight for light and life.
    Much Love,
    Mindy & The Slimmer Puggums

  2. It is so horrible that it is hard to even imagine it as a possibility. As one of our commenters said today, hug your kids tonight (human and furry) and pray for those who can’t:(

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

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