Monthly Archives: January 2013

God Bless America

PhotoFunia-391fd8aToday I am reflecting on all it means to be an American, the blessings we have just by living in this great country.

Whatever your political leanings, Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Green Party, I would like to ask that you say a prayer or send good wishes to our leader, President Obama.

Whether you voted for him or not, he was once again chosen to be the leader of our free nation, and we here at the Oskar household pray that the next four years will be a good one for our President, our Congressional leaders, our fearless soldiers and our fellow Americans!

Snow Wars

The flu has hit our house hard, landing my mom person in the hospital twice for dehydration, so we haven’t been able to keep up with blogging.

While all of the snow has melted now, I thought I would show you what my boys did a couple of weeks ago.

While shoveling the driveway, John thew some snow on Jack’s windshield.  This caused Jack to retaliate by piling up snow behind my mom person’s van, since John was going to leave soon to go out with friends.

050John went outside and Jack pushed him into the pile of snow & a chase ensued.




Everyone calmed down and we thought the battle was over.  We should have know that John would not let it rest like that.  This is what we woke up to the next day.



That’s Jack’s car under there.  John had spent half the night totally covering Jack’s car with snow while the rest of us were sleeping.  I think it’s safe to say that John won this round.  I can’t wait to see what comes next!


Shhh, We’re Sleeping!

My mom person came onto the sunporch to find this last night.

001While she was busy doing other things, my dad person, Chloe, Moe & I had made good use of the extra couch space.  When my mom person tried to sit down in Chloe’s spot, she got this reaction.

008You can see that her “not impressed” face means business!


Happy New Year!

Hi friends!  I sure have missed all of you.  I hope you all had a fabulous holiday season.

We had lots of fun here.  I got to open my present from Shadow, Suzie & Sidebite’s sister.

021I had been waiting to open this one forever!

Shadow did a great job, I was so excited to see what she chose just for me!

First I found some cool Chuck-It balls.

025Next was a cool blue Kong.

027And then my absolutely FAVORITE treat, Busy Chewnolas!

030I wanted to take my Kong outside right away, but I didn’t want to give it up long enough for my peeps to get the packaging off of it.

037Once the Kong was opened, of course I wanted the orange balls out!

041Thank you so much Shadow for doing such a great job.  It was especially neat because this is the only thing that Santa Paws brought for me.  A Bumble toy with a water bottle in it.

039Now I didn’t just get one toy from Santa Paws because I was naughty.  My peeps sat me down and had a talk with me about what a lucky dog I am.  From this blog & my other blog Pet Blogs United, I get packages almost once a week of things that people and companies send me to try out & review.  Our treat cupboard is crammed full, I have lots of collars, coats, 2 sets of doggie saddlebags for hiking, lots of food bowls, and the list goes on.

When I thought about it I decided I’d rather have Santa give my portion of toys to doggies & kitties who don’t have a warm home, a cozy bed & a forever family.  My peeps assured me that Santa Paws sent money to my favorite shelter to help make Christmas happier for them.

My mom person says she’s going to try to get around to visit everyone this week, so I can’t wait to see whats going on with all of you!