Category Archives: Dinner

The Missing Food Mystery

My food bowl keeps turning up mysteriously empty and when I try to explain this to my mom person, she just says that I ate the food myself!  Well guess what I found yesterday?  My new Christmas hedgehog next to my EMPTY food bowl!

Then today I find this!!!  No, El Gato, not you too?

I thought those two were my real friends.  Hmm, I guess now someone needs more dinner, right?

There’s Only So Much A Schnauzer Can Take

O.K. we’ve already established that Buster is back & making himself at home on my nest. But today, he crossed the line.

Here’s a shot of his perfectly good food and water dishes. Notice how he has lots of food that I’m not allowed to eat.

Well, he decided to take a sip of my water. I was good with that. Notice the food bowl next to it.

Then this happened!

Look! Look what he did!

Sometimes it’s all too much for a little dog to take. *sigh*

At least my mom person fixed the nest situation by offering Buster a feather pillow.

My mom person says that he is old & we have to leave him alone and be extra nice to him. He won’t even play with me in the yard. It’s gonna be a long week.

Check out more Pet Pride.
