The Deed Is Done

And if I must say so myself, I do look stunningly handsome after my grooming.  I suppose it’s worth it every once in a while to look this good.

Take particular care to look at my cool collar from Joan & Janie at Linden Designs and of the Peace, Love, Pugs & Pals blog.  They make these pawsome collars and I won mine in a caption the photo contest.  It’s very manly in a blue bandana print.

Bella, I hope you like my new do!

My mom person is still working on a post about the Proctor & Gamble Pet Health & Nutrition Center, but she says she has too many facts in her brain & is having trouble getting them all out in the right order.  If I would have been there, I would have the posts dictated in no time!



44 Responses »

  1. Hey there Oskar! I just love your new hair cut and your collar too! Congrats on your win!

    As far a Moms go, they gots lots of stuffs in they head so we gots to give them a break. Maybe offer your Mom your bed to rest for a bit!

    woo woos, Tessa

  2. If I could whistle, I would whistle at you! You are a handsome guy all duded up. Love you blue collar!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  3. Hi Y'all,

    Oskar! Definitely look SHARP in that blue collar with your nifty steel coat!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. OH Oskar, you look SO much better! I know you feel a lot better now too. Now you look like a Schnauzer. HEE HEE

  5. Looking goooooood, Oskar!! Riley is just lucky that she only has to get groomed every so often…FURminated, combed, and bathed, and that's pretty much it! Actually, I am the lucky one…I doubt she would stay still for long to get her furs cut!

    You look so handsome in your new collar!

    Elyse and Riley

  6. Oskar! You look awesome dude. Am sure Bella would loooove your new look.
    Hey! Be kind to your mom. What if she leaves you again?
    I have good news. Angelina's been found. meowww….Nikki

  7. Dang you IS handsome(sorry Bella)and one fine fella!

    Da blue really highlites your colors…beautifuls!


  8. Buddy when Bella sees YOU… that girrrrl is gonna FAINT!!! You look GRRRRRREAT.

    PeeS… I sent you some email.

  9. Oskar we love your new do and that collar is a beauty. You are all groomed and ready for summer. You are lookin' mighty handsome. Hugs and nose kisses

  10. You look so pawsome wit you new 'do and collar! Da ladies awe going to be bawking at you doow!

    Chloe, Cecil and Winston

  11. You do look very dapper!!! I hope they don't get that strippy thing out now. AND I love that new collar of yours…it brings out your eyes:)

  12. Oskar, we are absolutely in love with your new look – what a very handsome dude!!! Great collar too, just the pawfect finishing touch.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  13. Looking good, Oskar! From experience, I have to say that schnauzers are particularly handsome after grooming.

  14. Pawsome! Now you look like a hot stud. And i am sure you feel so much lighter 🙂 Glad you went ahead with your grooming. I am sure Bella will be most pleased.

    we thinks you should have gone with your momma too… you could have help her now with the posts.. heeehee

  15. You are very handsome in your furcut! Cool blue collar! My mom thinks you looked pretty cute in your ragamuffin look too!

  16. Told you that you would be all handsome after the grooming ordeal. Would I lie to you Oskar???

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  17. You look great, Oskar! Very shiny and clean and neat! And your collar makes you look especially handsome! 😀

  18. Wow Oskar! You clean up good! Bonny thinks you look very handsome! Too handsome some might say… Only kiddin' you look great!

    Woofs and Licks
    Hector and Bonny and Lucy Too!

  19. Such a handsome boy….is there anything better than a new "do"?

    ((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  20. Oh gosh, Oskar, you are so handsome with your new look and that collar looks great on you. Blue is your colour!

  21. Woof! Woof! Finally… had issues with blogger for the past days only on selective blog but anyhow here I am … Golden Hello. Looking good. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  22. Yes Oscar – you're looking cool there buddy! We're due for grooming so looking round for new hiding places 🙂 Dex & Lou x

  23. You look very handsome, Oskar, and we bet you feel better too, huh? We love your collar!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  24. Looking very swish Oskar! 🙂 Lovin' the new do!

    We bet you're getting all the lady attention at the moment :p

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  25. Oooh Mr. Oskar, don't you look handsome and ready for summer! Your collar is sure nice too!

    Wiggles and Barks,


  26. We're a little late- but we still wanted to say that you look pretty handsome with your new 'do!

    Nicole and Macho

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