My Sunday

It started out as a lovely Sunday. Just hanging out & monitoring my yard.


Then my dad person says we are going on a car ride! Yahoo!


When he sees this sign, my dad person say’s “we’re here”


Wait, that sign didn’t say V-E-T, right? V-E-T isn’t open on the weekend right??


Once inside I realize this is not a “fun” car ride. I can’t relax.


Hmmm, this place smells funny.


Oh no!! It’s the table. Bad things happen on the table!


The table brings temperature taking *shudder*, shot giving & belly poking. Thankfully there are no shots pictures to document this portion of the day.

My dad person says it was more painful for him than it was for me. He says I need to post this picture to explain that comment.


For some reason he said that all of my peopld would have to eat macaroni & cheese out of a box this week after they gave him this paper…geez, it’s not like he had to get his temparture taken or anything!



12 Responses »

  1. Oskar

    I'm suwe glad that's ovew..tell youw peoples that macawoni and cheese is yummie, and the best pawt, I hope is that you awe fine!
    You suwe look gweat!
    smoochie kisses

  2. Oh Oskar, what a day you had! I hope everything is ok! My boys also hate going to the VET but it's necessary sometimes, right? Didn't he give you a treat?! Love!

  3. HA! Ha! Oh Oskar – tell your human just be glad that he doesn't own ME!! That paper wouldn't pay for one of my paws!!! Hee! Hee! My humans say that we have personally helped my vet buy his sports car and sail boat…!

    Honey the Great Dane

  4. ps. I forgot to say, Oskar – I hope that visit was just for a check up?? You're not really hurt or sick, are you??

  5. Dear Oskar!
    What a day!Glad to see you fine now!
    You are always cute in your pictures even in that place called "vet"! 😉

    By the way,I prepared a post today and left a “surprise”, an award for you !
    Don’t forget to passing there to see it okay!
    purrs and love
    your friend

  6. Hi Oskar
    We hope everthing is ok with you.
    Macaroni & cheese isn't that bad. We hope you get a taste.
    Love Ruby & Penny
    PeeS – Penny supported our vet on Thursday to the tune of 238.00

  7. Hi Oskar – you're so brave, we hope you're okay and it was just a run of the mill check-up. You did make us snigger when you commented on your human having his temperature taken – ouch! Tail wags – JD and Max.

  8. Wow. We had dogs. Or I had a dog all of my life. One of my earliest experiences was being told to pick a puppy out of a cardboard box of squealing baby pups. Now, however, after Autumn Eve died in 2007, my wife of 54 years said we are not going to go through that again. The separation is hard. And we had some bills that bordered on the exotic too.

    I like this blog and thank you for stopping at mine.

    I started a new blog just for our flowers
    Our Flower Pot

  9. i'm feeling for all involved here! but love is worth any amount of $ and a little ouchy to stay healthy and with your family for a long time ain't no big thing either! they need you there to monitor the yard!

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