I’ve Got An Owie!!

I’m a tough guy, so I’m not telling my mom person how I got hurt. I’m not even whining about it, but I got a big scratch by my eye that even took off some hair. (Schnauzers have hair and not fur, that’s why we’re hypo-allergenic.)

Here’s another shot.

My mom person thinks that I got in a fight with a stick in the yard, but I’ll never tell.

It doesn’t really hurt, but my mom person was all worried cause she said I could have poked my eye out. It works for me, cause I’m getting to lay on all the best blankets and I’m getting lots of extra cuddles!



18 Responses »

  1. Awww poor Oskar…looks like an owie for sure! I'm so glad you are gettin lots of TLC…hee hee

    Heal up quick though so you can have some more adventures to tell us about..just watch out for them sticks!

    Paws Up!

  2. Did you get into a big fight with a big stick that was trying to hurt your your family? You were so brave to defend your family. Go Oskar, go.
    Sally Ann

  3. Hi, Oskar!
    Ooouch! I really hope it does not hurt you!
    If it was caused by a stick… sure it was a big fight!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Oskar, my brave handsome boy. I hope you are ok. Please rest, I couldn't stand to think of anything happening to that face. I will try to make you some chicken soup(if I can find a chicken) and send it over. Please rest and don't overdue it and for goodness sakes watch out for those evil sticks.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  5. Gosh, you are a brave puppy, Oskar, firstly to fight that stick, and then to not complain about the owie!

    You are my hero!

    Puppy kisses

  6. Ouch! I know what you mean about not telling mom about your boo boo's and trying to be brave, but you need to let her take care of it. I bet your little face went someplace it shouldn't have.


  7. Oh Oskar – what a brave little boy you are! We are sending smooches and healing licks your way!

    ((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  8. Oh dear, poor Oskar. So, Mr. Stick moved to Michigan? He is evil you know! You have to be really careful around Mr. Stick. Take care and get well soon.

    For the tales of Mr. Stick you'll have to visit his blog http://misterstick.blogspot.com/ and also click on the link about the labrador in Mr. Stick's sidebar.

  9. ohmigod, I'm so worried about as well! Poor Oskar, please take care about it. I hope you do not have pain.So sorry my sweet friend.
    Be positive okay!
    purrs and love

  10. Oskar –

    We know you're a big boy and that you're toughing it out but OUCH! That kind of looks like it hurts…

    We are sending you tons and tons of puppy kisses to make your eye heal faster!

    Be careful in the yard next time…


  11. Hi Oskar – owww, ooh – that looks sore. You are so brave – protecting your family from what was probably a large and violent stick – wow, we really admire you. We hope you get loads of sympathy and biscuits and toys and plently of snuggle time in your nest – well, a pup needs to get his strength back you know!! *Sigh!* – if it wasn't for this darned pond we could come round and help you protect your homestead from deadly sticks – the three of us would be a force to be reckoned with!! Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  12. We think you need to wear goggles when you do the yard work….Love A+A PS Work this one…lots of cookies,snacks, blankies and stuffies..you know the routine….

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