Snow Day

We have gotten a lot of snow here this winter. Of course it’s my job to run around in it as much as possible to make sure our yard is still safe.

When I get inside my feet look like this.

My mom person seemed to be really excited that I had brought some of the outside, in to share with her!

It’s the least I could do.

My work here is done.



18 Responses »

  1. Hi Oskar – good job on guarding the yard and the family there, a schnauzer's work is pretty tireless, you step up to the challenge well!

    Hey, we recognise that 'snow shoe' look! Our snow has gone now (replaced by relentless rain – boo!) and everytime we came inside wearing our snow shoes we would get dunked in a shallow warm bath – the indignity!!

    Keep warm buddy! Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  2. Well, nicely done. Our M gets mostly excited when we bring her mud. I can tell she loves it just as much as your mommy loves ice balls.

  3. Oh my goodness, Oskar – I can't believe you just went and read ALL my backposts!! You deserve a medal for that! I am so flattered. Thank you!

    And wow – I couldn't believe that was really snow on your feet! Hsin-Yi thought they looked like those little round white polystyrene balls they use to wrap things in…weren't you cold?! I have never seen snow but it's always so nice to see my blog friends enjoying playing in it!

    Honey the Great Dane

  4. Hey, Oskar, good to see ya!!
    Those are some impressive snowballs there! How does mom get rid of them, a hairdryer? I'm SO glad that doesn't happen to me. Well, unless I wear a polarfleece coat out into the snow!! I'd rather stay in anyways, not a snow kinda guy!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  5. Hi, Oskar!
    Sure you have lots of fun outside playing in the snow!
    I am sure your mom appreciates your snowy presents!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. We like that rug, Oskar. If you move the snowballs a wee bit to the right or the left, your mom won't notice a thing! shhhhhhhhhhh, we won't say a word!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. ohmigod Oskar, you are sooo Brave to face all those snow and the cold winter outside.Well after all you can rest and take a good nap in your favorite place.
    Stay warm dear friend,
    purrs and love

  8. Oh, Oskar, you are such a brave and conscientious puppy!

    I wish we had snow here! – At least we have finally started Autumn, so the weather's going to be a bit cooler. Don't think it will snow, though.

    Keep up the good work!

    Puppy kisses

  9. You wear your SNOW well Oskar!!!

    I had a blast running around our yard…YES..Protecting the property..a must!!

    Ours only lasted one day..but whatta day! Roooo Rooo

    Paws Up!
    Gus and (his mom had her first radiation treatment today..she is fine)

  10. Oh no Oskar..
    I get ice balls in my toes but not my fur. Hmmm they are tasty if you sit and eat them.

    Hope your mom is doing okay? Nice to hear from you.

  11. I love it to see you with your snowboots …… LOL
    It looks really cool …..
    Enjoy the snow fun !!

    ((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=

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