Little El Gato’s Big Adventure

A few days ago I was playing outside & I heard someone calling me from inside.  It was El Gato!

What El Gato, you want to play outside?

OK, you get our mom person to look that way when she opens the door and we’ll be off.

Yahoo!  Now we have to run fast!  I’ll carry you in my mouth.

El Gato, I’m going to let you make a snow angel while I run away from her!

I didn’t bring El Gato outside, honest I didn’t!

All of my people and I want to wish you an amazing 2011!


37 Responses »

  1. Happy New Year!

    You done good helping el Gato escape! btw, our Mommy would love an el Gato…where did he come from?

    Luv, The Katnip Lounge Horde

  2. Yappy New Year, Oskar!
    We like all of our stuffies to escape to the great outdoors. Then we bury them or take them swimming in the pond!! Yay!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  3. HAPPY NU YEAR Oskar frum Shiloh'n Shasta. Our mom ALWAYZ catches Shasta b-4 she can help any of her stuffiez git outside – at least El Gato got out fer a couple of minutez – good werk Oskar.

  4. Hey Oskar, some of my stuffies get outside all on their ownsome too! Sometimes I help by leaning them against the sliding door so when it slides, they fall out without any assistance. Happy 2011!! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  5. Typical cat, jumping in your mouth like that! El Gato will be one cold cat when he comes out!

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

  6. El Gato is a lucky stuffie to be able to play out in the snow!
    Happy New Year, Oskar!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Miaumiau! I'm Kika and I love having friends, I come to invite you to be my friend and late but wish you a happy New Year 2011
    Ronrons of

  8. That is so funny! I bet El Gato loved getting to play outside in the snow! But we have a kitty among us (Sammy-Joe) and he says he doesn't like the snow so much. It makes his paws all cold and wet!

  9. Happy New Year Oskar and Mom!

    I think that you did a good thing, helping el Gato to escape. Really he just wanted to get some air and make a snow angel.

    You are a very gracious pup!

    woo woos, Tessa

  10. hey Oskar,

    El Gato looks like a pawsome friend! You two looked like you had fun playing in the pawsome snow! I love snow!

    Have a wonderful New Year of 2011, full of much love, happiness, health, fun, and an endless supply of toys and treats! I look forward to reading all of your fun adventures in 2011.


  11. Hi Oskar!

    Hope you, ElGato and y'alls Mom person have a great New Year and ElGato gets to play outside more often!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  12. Mom & I are always arguing about whether or not my toys need to go potty outside with me. She wins sometimes… *snickers*

  13. It looks like you and El Gato had a super terrific time out there! But I'm just wondering if he has a microchip or other identification? I mean, what if he wanders away or something?

    Wiggles & Wags,

  14. happy happy new year Oskar and your wonderful mumster

    elGato is a cutie and we're telling you that he went out on his own!

    chikisses and pls inform your mumster that you PBU button is on our sidebar

    coco and tiffy

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