52 Responses »

  1. Dear Oskar,
    You are so adorable in this postcard, it's very sweet!
    I wish you a beautiful day!Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for your friendship!

  2. hey Oskar,

    How can any one resist you?! I bet you will have the female dogs swooning to be your Valentine! What an adorable Valentine's Day card!

    Hope you have a very sweet Valentine's Day with lots of sweet treats from your sweethearts!


  3. Oskar, You look VERY handsome in your Valentines Day outfit. Love the tie.
    Happy V Day! Oh yes, 97 feet of snow!!!! A bit too much!!! One could get lost in it…

  4. Happy Heart Day, Oskar!! What an adorable Valentine Card!!! Very handsome boy!

    (((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  5. Hi there…My name is Bella and my Mom is writing for me…I only get to post stuff when shes not here! woof-ha-ha Happy Valentines to ya…I think I might be your soul mate…Mom says…jeeshh…how embarasing!

  6. Oskar, I was SO excited to gets your card! You look Most Handsome and I just luvs the design of the card. Thank you for being my furend!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Oskar!

    Wow – you're looking very 'sartorial' there! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane

  8. Hi Oskar, you romantic you!! Making all the girl doggies swoon with your tie! Happy Valentines Day (To Pam too) ! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  9. Sweet Valentine's card Oskar! Hope your day was terrific!!
    BRD & Hootie

    ps-mommy is sending you an email about the prize you are sending.

  10. From a Mancat to a Manwoofie(does theese word exist or did I just make it up?) you ARE looking mighty handsome there Oskar. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day with lots of treats and extra cuddles!

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