32 Responses »

  1. Bonjour! Thanks for dropping by our blog.Sorry it took some to get back to you.One of our cats tragically passed away on the 16th of April.We would love to join pet bloggers.We tried to log in but were unable to for some reason…any idea as to what we may have done?
    Please let us know how to proceed when you have a moment! Thank you.
    the critters in The Cottage

  2. Dat is such hardwork…wipes me out and I has 2 other dogs to help me (they are kinda useless though).
    I hopes you get rewarded withs a nice steak and beer.


  3. Yous doing a good job standing guard! Maybe youse waiting for sumbudy to light a fire and cook you a hot dog! Nothing better than a little snack, while patrolling

  4. Something has your attention, Oskar. Is it an approaching squirrel or rabbit? Make sure they don't steal that cool toy you have there.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  5. Good job, Oskar. It's always best to keep a close eye on the yard. You never know when squirrels are gonna try to move in and take over.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  6. My patrols are done closer to the fence – that way ones barks are even more penetrating to those walking by! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  7. Hi adorable Oskar, I see you are doing a great patrol there.
    My mommy and dad were visiting Italy in the last days and I was here also doing catpatrols.
    Now, I'm trying to catch up with blog friends!

  8. hey Oskar, woof woof! Walter wants to sniff your blog. we're very happy to check you out. we will come back and say hello lots of times, okay?


    ps you are very handsome!

  9. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, patrolling is right up my alley! You're doing a super job. I bet you are watching out for criminal squirrels! Great work.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  10. What's the saying? Never watch a boiling pot? We're thinking if you turn your head for a bit, maybe, just maybe that fire might get started up. Complete with hot dogs. Or marshmallows. Ummmm. You're making us hungry, and all you were doing was keeping patrol.

    Happens every time
    jake and Fergi

  11. hey Oskar,

    I challenge any critter to try to get past your patrol! I bet your humans appreciate you keeping them so safe! :->


  12. Oh, I also wanted to Thank You for all you caring comments and support during our rough times. It really is helpful to have such caring blogger friends.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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