Sarge’s Peeps On Parade!

O.K., about me. I live with my mom person, my dad person & my boys John & Jack.

We live in Waterford, Michigan in the U.S. Right about here.


For any of you outside of the U.S., Michigan is shaped like a mitten, so we can always tell people where we live by holding up our hands, well people can, paws don’t work so well.

This is my dad person, Chris.


He is 41 years old & works for a local college in the admissions department. He came into a ready-made family of my mom person & John & Jack. My people have been married almost 7 years. My dad person loves the outdoors & going camping when he isn’t working about 42,879 per week. He’s also an awesome cook & sometimes I get to eat some of his yummy food.

Here is my mom person, Pam. She also blogs under the name Mimi. I guess it was her nick name when she was little & she still likes it.


She used to work all the time, but she has been sick the past few years. She has something called bi-polar depression, and last year she got a tummy sickness called gastroparesis. This means that the muscles in her tummy don’t munch up the food well, so she has lost lots of weight since that picture was taken and spent way too much time in the hospital. She’s doing better now, but the depressions & the tummy problems won’t ever go away. She say that I am one of her best medicines!

She reads lots of books, blogs a lot, and watches way too much TV. Shows called NCIS & Criminal Minds are her favorites. She is 43 years old.

My oldest boy is John David. He is 19, looking for a job & trying to decide what he wants to be when he grows up. John pays lots of attention to me & you can usually find me protecting him during thunder storms.

Here’s me & John after I helped him plant some trees for my dad person’s birthday.


This is my youngest boy, Jack. He just turned 15 and will be does soemthing called high school.


Jack only lives here half the time. He spends the other half of the time with his dad person, so we miss him sometimes. (John & Jack are both from my mom person’s first marriage.) Jack didn’t like me when I first came to live here. I used my needle-like puppy teeth to bite his face alot, but he has forgiven me now.

Both of my boys love music, video games and hanging out with friends, which doesn’t include me!

Make sure to join Sarge for this great Peeps On Parade event!


37 Responses »

  1. Oskar – it's so nice to meet your oomans. You have a wonderful family and are one lucky puppy. M has Parkinson's Disease so she also knows what it's like to live with a chronic condition. Not always easy by any means.

  2. Bonjour sweet Oskar!
    Thanks so much for this beautiful post, it's wonderful that you are sharing your story and you are such a lucky boy to have this ADORABLE family there.Your family is a blessing!
    I'm sending special purrs to your lovely mommy, she is a brave girl and I'm purring here for her.I know that you love her so much and your love gives her positive energies!
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mommy Léia

  3. Woof! Woof! Good to know more about your peeps. So true … us (DOGS) brings so much joy n love in a family. Happy Friday! Having a giveaway this weekend … make sure to stop by. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. It was wonderful to meet your peeps and my Mom knows just what it like for you Mom. My Mom also suffers with depression and spent most of last year in hospital – she had most of her stomach and part of her bowel removed and also lost lots of weight. She also says I am her best medicine too.

  5. Hi Oskar and family

    Thank you for sharing your life with us, it is a privilage to read about you and thank you for sharing. You have a lovely family and a superb dog (after me that is…lol).

    Our hooman is a depressive and has loads of other stuff wrong with her but she says we are her main medicine 'cos we makes her smile every day. Its love that makes her smile and we see that is true with you too.

    Keep Blogging
    We love reading yer
    Hector and co
    (what's that? I'm sending over good medicine. OK. I'll take my paw off the x now…wags)

  6. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, what a great P.O.P. entry! Your hu-pack is pawesome. Obviously your dad takes great care of you and I'm sure you help your mom out to make her feel better. Your boys look like a lot of fun to hang out with. Thanks so much for sharing your peeps with us so we can see how great your pack is!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  7. Oskar! We like your Humans a lot…but we noticed you left out your Cat family…do we need to come over and sort you out?

    Oh, it's PEEPS on parade.


  8. That's a great post! Thanks for sharing your family. It's so nice to get to know a little bit more about your peep.

  9. Great post, Oskar! You sure have a wonderful family. I'm sorry about your mom's sickies. It's no fun to have sickies but I am sure you make her feel good & happy everyday!

  10. That's a great family write up. I love especially the picture of you and your dad. 🙂
    I'm glad you make your Mum happy. She certainly looks happy in her photo with you!

  11. Thanks for introducing us to your family. My parents work about 43,000 hours a week, too! I just hate that!

    I am sure sorry your mom has health struggles! Both conditions sound awful and painful.

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Oskar, you have a wonderful family! I know how bad it is to be sick so much like your mom. I've been on disability for 15 years with various horrible problems and if it wasn't for Holly, and my kitties I wouldn't get out of bed some days!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  13. Hi Oskar,

    It's very nice to know more about you and your family. What a lovely family. I bet you take really good care of your mum…

    Purrs from Gotchi

  14. Oskar,

    It was great to meet your family! My mommy get sick sometimes with endometriosis and thats why I don't have any humane puppies in my house yet. But thats ok..we like to hang out with her when she is resting or blogging. Looks like you have a great family!

  15. Thank Yous for sharing your family Oskar! My Daddy has Bi Polar. We is very lucky that our Mommy works out of a ""virtual" office. that ment when Daddy got sick and could not work last year, we moved back to our Big House and don't has to live in the city any more. Me and the hairy slobbery suisters and Kozmo love it here!

  16. Oskaw
    Thank you so much fow intwodoocing youw wondewful family and telling us all those cool things about them.
    I am so sowwy that youw Mom has to battle those awful illnesses. I know that having you in hew life is a big help and also knowing that all youw fwiends love hew and cawe about hew.
    smoochie kisses

  17. Lovely family Oskar! We enjoyed meeting them. They are very lucky to have you–caring for your mum, protecting your boys AND taste testing for your dad. You're like the glue that holds them all together!

    Love and kisses, Bella (K & D)

  18. Hello to you peeps, you have a great family, and they love you dearly, thanks for sharing
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  19. Hey Oskar, I've been following your blog so long that I almost feel like one of your family. I noticed the puss-cats didn't get a mention….he he he.

    I know your mum gets sickies a lot….but look on the bright side…at least she is home so she can be with you – and you get to help her too. Only bummer is when you have to mind the "puke" bucket.

    Check out my post – I really went to town on my peeps!

    Big Tail Wuggle to all, Rubie.

  20. hey Oskar,

    What a wonderful post! You have such a beautiful, pawsome family! You are a very lucky pup, and they are very lucky to have you! I am so furry happy to read how you are your mom's best medicine. That is so sweet! We are sorry to hear of your mom's illnesses, and we send her lots of love and healing.

    Your boys are very nice looking young men! We hope John is able to find a job soon. And we are furry happy that Jack has forgiven your bitey-face incident. ;->

    Thank you for sharing your peeps! Loved it!


    p.s. My human laughed about the Michigan hand. She went to U of M in Ann Arbor and knows all about illustrating where you live in MI by the hand. :->

  21. Oskar, it sounds like you have the best family a dog could ask for! You are so lucky to have so many wonderful people who love you so much!

  22. Thanks for sharing your peeps with us. You certainly have a great family! I'm very furry happy to know that you are the best medicine for your mommy.

    Love ya,
    Jon Terry

  23. Hi Oscar
    Your post about your peeps is beautiful. Its so nice to be able to share our lives with others,, and tell the world how we help our peeps like you shared in this post.
    I am sorry that your mom has had such health problems,,
    Do you know what? Can I share that my moms have health problems too,, and right now it is a scary time.
    I am so thankful that your family has you,,, because of you,,,, they are sharing your love with us,, and that is a lot. We so appreciate you,

  24. What a great post! We loved hearing about the hoomans in your family, Oskar!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  25. Oskar dear,
    Pawesome family you have there. So sorry about your mum being sick. My Mama has a heart condition (she was born with it) and that's why everyone was worried sick when Angelina ran away…in case Mama gets a heart attack or something… meowww…Nikki

  26. Hi Oskar! What a lovely family you have, our Mom said we're the best medicine as she was poorly too last year. We love today and going around reading about all the Peeps, our human is just nosey really, although we call it inquisitive 😉 Have a great weekend, Dex & Lou x

  27. Your Peeps are pawesome, Oskar!
    Sure you are the best medicine for your mom!
    I hope you all are having a great weekend!
    Kisses and hugs

  28. Oh Oskar – I always love hearing about your family and you know, we just think your Mom Person is so brave and inspiring – and ssooooo amazing with everything she does!! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane
    ps. Yay! I can comment again!!

  29. What a nice family you have Oskar!

    PS: My mom also agrees that dogs are the best medicine in the world!!


  30. Thanks for sharing your family with us. You got a great one! We hope your mama does better with her chronic illnesses. She got the double whammy 🙁

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