The Thundershirt Rocks!

Hello, Oskar’s mom person Pam here.  Oskar has always been terrified of thunder and fireworks.  After reading about the Thundershirt, and talking to a couple of vets about it we decided to order one for Oskar.

It came after we got home from our camping trip and today I had a chance to try it out.  Here’s Oskar during a loud evening of fireworks.

I cannot stress to you what an amazing thing this was for me to see.  Any thunder or firworks has always sent Oskar into a shaking fit, hiding in the bathtub or behind my chair for the duration.  In less than a minute of putting the Thundershirt on Oskar he climbed onto the couch and assumed this position.

I was thrilled to have him be able to relax instead of being scared to death.  The Thundershirt is supposed to work for everything from loud noises to seperation anxiety, & I’m here to tell you that it worked for this schnauzer almost immediately.

It’s made of soft, fuzzy cotton with velcro all around so that you can put it snugly around the body.  We bought the Thundershirt ourselves and are receiving no compensation at all for this post, I just wanted to put it out there for any other dogs who may have these same type of issues.  It gets 4 paws up from this family!
Photobucket & Pam


31 Responses »

  1. It worked really well for Sally too! She hated loud noises but now she can sleep through them! It looks like a corset – and it does work, glad Oscar is feeling better and relaxing

    HUgs from D (on behalf of Sally and Paddy)

  2. That is amazing. Kendra was our only fearful dog….but she's getting too deaf to hear them. But we'll remember that for other doggies we know.

    XXXOOO Daisy & Kendra

    Here's a special good night lick for Oskar….Bella

  3. What great news Oskar. Louis is the one here who is terrified of any noise and shakes and hides as you did. Our human went on a course for the 'Tellington Touch' which is a kind of therapy which can be used for stressed dogs and they use a 'body wrap' which is a similar type of idea. Have a peaceful Sunday with hopefully NO fireworks, Dex and Lou xxx

  4. I am sending my mom to your blog today because I want one of those thundershirts too! The stoopid hoomans in our neighborhood don't realize that the 4th of July is past!
    We're so glad this thundershirt is working for you, Oskar!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Thundershirts are fantastic! I have told my mum who has a terrier that's terrified of thunder! So this product could be the answer. Thanks Pam for telling us about this amazing product 🙂

  6. We're so glad that it is working for you! Minnie has one and she is less stressful with it on. She still goes under the bed, but is not shaking and worrying. She sleeps better with it on as well during thunderstorms.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  7. So pleased it works so well for you! I is not scared of thunder or fireworks but I bet it's scary if you is.

  8. Oskar, I'm so glad you found something to help you cope with the scary noises from thunder! Mom has heard of these Thundershirts – they sound pretty cool! I'm not really fearful so I haven't needed one…yet!

  9. We give it 4 paws up too. Mom got one for Piper, not because of thunder but because he hates loud machinery like tractors and we live on a farm so tractors are a fact of life here. She can't believe how calm it makes him. Furthermore he loves it – knows where she keeps it in the closet and when he sees her go to get it, comes to her, sits at her feet just waiting for her to put it on him. We are big fans of the Thundershirt at Rocky Creek Farm!!

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Ivy

  10. You KNOW that I am a believer in MY Thundershirt. It has truly helped me!!!
    I didn't get any compensation fur THIS or fur the posts that I have put up about my Thundershirt.
    I do say that I am NOT sure which one of us likes it more… My MOM or Me (Frankie Furter).
    Oskar, I am so very very much glad that it worked fur YOU too!!!
    Ahhhhhhhhhh… I'm just sayin.

  11. I have wanted to try one for separation anxiety. I don't mind storms, but I do freak out when I am left behind.

    Your pal, Pip

  12. We love it here, too! As a matter of fact, I may end up buying a second one. We had more fireworks in our neighborhood yesterday and Bunny was terrified. I put it on and she climbed up on the couch and went to sleep. It's made a huge difference for her and Lilac both!

    Bunny's mom

  13. Thanks so much for this post. Chancy is very afraid of fireworks and thunder and I have been searching for a solution. I had been seeing the Thundershirt mentioned here and there and have thought about trying one. I have been wondering if they would make the dog too warm if worn for very long. I am so glad it works for Oskar. Hugs and nose kisses

  14. I saw a Thundershirt a few months ago and was tempted to give it a try (Whisky is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks) but the price and lack of "real" reviews put me off. After reading about how it worked for Oskar, I'm going to reconsider getting one for Whisky…Thanks for writing about it!

  15. That is so wonderful for Oskar. We have heard of so many pups being helped by the Thundershirt. Mom hasn't tried it for Phantom because he freaks out when he has to wear anything like a shirt for his surgeries. And then his storm anxiety is usually days before a storm arrives – he might have to wear it for a few days at t a time. Definitely something for us to consider. Thanks for the great review.

    Oskar, we bet you were very happy with your shirt, AND you do look quite handsome in it too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  16. OMGOSH!I will have to get one…I hate thunder and fireworks like Oskar send me into fits under the bed I run…lawnmowers are frightful … I will have to insist on Mom person getting me a Thundershirt!Thanks Oskar's mom person for the "know"

  17. Dis is good news cuz mom wants to get me one of dose to helps me wif my separation anxiety!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  18. Glad to know the thundershirt worked so good for you Oskar!
    It is not nice to be scared by thunders and big noises, right?
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  19. Oh that is pawsome…..we have something similiar for Oskar, it's called an anxiety wrap.
    We are very fortunate that we don't get a lot of thunderstorms here….sometimes a lot of rumbling of thunder…which Oskar assumes is a big dog growling!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  20. That's awesome, Oskar! So glad it worked for you. We have someone here (not naming names) that might have to have one someday. Oh, yeah, Mom's wondering if works for stressed-out humans, too?! The neighbors are doing noisy construction work and it bugs her 🙂

    The Road dogs

  21. We thinks we're going to have to break down and get our sis, Scarlet, one. All the reviews on it have sounded too good to be true!

    Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

  22. Oh, that's great news!! We often get questions asking about SA and thunder phobia – I'm going to point them to this post! 🙂


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