Artsy Fartsy Moe

Yesterday was Mo-Cats day & I was pleased to share my blog with Moe, but two days in a row might be a little much.

The blog is called The Daily Oskar, but She-Who-Has-The-Ability-To-Type, gets to veto me sometimes in the interest of fairness & in some misguided effort to “show me who’s really the boss.”

Anyway, here’s another picture of Moe that my mom person thought “looked cool.”

As for who’s the boss around here, I just like to remind her who picks up who’s poop.  You don’t see mee carrying baggies around on our walks, BOL!



28 Responses »

  1. artsy FARTSy??? You got to say ARTSY FARTSy??? I Love saying artsy FARTSy. Don't you??

    Your mom collects your poops too??? I just do NOT know what is up with these Mom Wimmen. They really have a THING with our poops. I think my mom has saved every single one of mine.
    Now about MOE… I'm thinkin that Blogville needs MORE Cats. Or at LEAST have the ones we Do have… make a Bigger Showing. Don't you???

  2. I'm with you in showing everyone YOU'RE the boss. That's how MY household runs. Rocket learned day one when he came into my house I'm the one who runs things around here. You need to take that keyboard back. 🙂

    yuki (and rocket)

  3. You are totally right Oskar. We let them think they are in charge (sometimes) but we know better hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella

  4. Sorry, Oskar, you are the nicest woofie we know, but we at Twinkletoes say Mo Moe! He is a purry handsome mancat and should be seen! But we loves you too!

  5. You tell her Oskar!
    My dad is da official pooper scooper at my house but when I go fur walks it is mom, hehehehe….

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. Lovely picture. I like the silhouette look. I have such a hard time photographing my cats, much harder then the dogs to get a good pic

  7. I totally am in charge around my place – and I delegate dad dad to pick up and carry my precious poop-a-doops!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  8. Hi Y'all,

    Does your mom person have a thing about this Moe cat? While it is a neat pic, it isn't you Oskar!

    Will this Moe cat give your mom person the encouragement she needs and the unconditional love? Will he see that she takes her daily walks?

    Don't get me wrong, I would never chase a cat. Live and let live. But cats are totally self centered and selfish I'm told.

    Humans need us Oskar. They need us to keep them balanced and responsible people.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. hey Oskar,

    Well woofed! The pooper-picker-uppers need to remember their place!

    However, I will woof that the photo of kitty is very cool, indeed. Especially with the little hanging strawberry. Nice touch. :->


  10. Good Point Oskar! It is the hoomins who picks up our poop, who feeds us and has to combe/brush our hair. All things considered – the hoomins are the servants and the dogs the boss (this also applies to teenage children too – although – thankfully- our hoomin does not have to pick up their poop! Thank heavens!!!)

    Have a lovely Sunday Pip
    Hector and gang

  11. We have to agree with your mum person, that is a pretty cool photo!

    How often do you see a kitty with a berry hanging above it's head!! 🙂

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

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