I’m A Great Motivator!

My mom person has had the gloomies and a case of tummy troubles, so we have been totally out of the loop when it comes to visiting all of our friends blogs.  But then I had an idea!

Hey, c’mon lady, get up!  We’ll play.

Get uuuupp, you’re just being lazy now, let’s have cookies!

Let me think…

I know!  If we look at all of my friend’s blogs it will make you feel better.  A good tour of Blogville always cheers you up!  Now off the couch & onto the computer, pronto!



41 Responses »

  1. Maybe your Momma needs jus and wittle more west and wots of PawHugs from you….and we will send some pawhugs too. Hurry up and feel better, Mom!!!

  2. Woof! Woof! Great JOB for motivating your mom … Lots of stuffs going on on my blog so check it out. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. You is a good pup Oskar!

    You gots to remember though that when the Pawrents don't feels good it is always best to curl up with them and keep them warm and safe. Your Mom needs lots of rest so play a bit then rest and snuggle with your Mom.

    Hope that your Mom feels way better real soon!

    Hugs to your Mom!

    woos, Tessa

  4. Hope your mom is feeling much better very sooon. And did someone mention cookies?? Where!! Where??

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  5. Such a good pup you are, Oskar, trying to perk up the Mom. We hope it worked. And by the way, we just love those ears:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Oskar, we sure hope you method worked! Moms sometimes need a little prodding…sheesh!
    We're sending her tummy some purrs and a HISS!! to the gloomies.

  7. I hope your mom is feeling better after a tour of blogs. I don't see how anybody could resist that adorable face of yours — especially when you squinch up your eyes!


  8. That's right Oskar. You keep your mum feeling happy and hopefully her tummy will get better. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  9. Uh oh, hope mom feels better soon! Oskar, you can always play nurse to mom and help her out. Make sure mom stays hydrated and rests!

    yuki and rocket

  10. Catching up with my friends always makes ME feel better, so I hope it worked for your Mama. Of course, snuggling your sick human is always rather nice too.

  11. You sure am a pretty good motivator… and if that all dun work… give her them sad puppy eyes.. that always works πŸ™‚

    hope your momma gets better soon!

  12. We can only cope with being sympathetic for so long, huh Oskar!??!

    Get her up and moving! (feel better soon Auntie Pam)

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  13. Give your Mom hugs from us Oskar
    when she want rest
    let her rest
    blogging can later πŸ˜›

    hugs to our woof friend
    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

  14. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, great job of motivating your peep! I sure hope she's feeling better. There are lots of fun things in Blogville to cheer anyone up! hey, Maggie Mae has a joke on her blog today…that'd help!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  15. Dear Oskar
    Some days is harder than others. I came by to thank you for coming to my birthday paawty. My hairy slobbery sisters Bob and Cinnamon were so happy that some other doggies came to the pawty! It would not have been the same without you!

  16. you keep her going Oskar…that's your job. Sometimes all they ned is a little nudge from the wet nose and they are all set. Works every time here!

  17. Wow! You are so talented! I hope you got your cookies and that mom person is better now. (I don't know why humans just don't leave the cookies down low enough for us to reach ourselves — it's very strange!)

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