Awsome Possum

I cornered a possum in my yard last night!  It was super cool, my instincts kicked in and I went terrier on his hiney.  Lucky for him, I couldn’t get to him.  My dad person even told me I was a good boy a lot since I’m a varmint hunter by nature.  I’m not sure he would have felt the same if I actually got ahold of it!

Where are the pictures of the mighty hunter & his prey you ask?  Well this all happened after my mom person went to sleep on the couch and no one else thinks to pick up the camera first, so here’s a picture of me recuperating on the couch today.  I have to rest up in case he comes back tonight.  It is ON possum!

(Notice what a good job I do unfolding all of he blankets.  It drives someone batty, but hey it’s my couch right?)

Off to dream of possums & glory!



33 Responses »

  1. You are sooooo brave Oskar, as well as being handsome. Bet that possum is a gazillion millions away by now.

    Smooches, Bella

    Don't worry, SHE always misses the best shots, too.

  2. Great work, Oskar. Thunder had a possum one night in the yard. Luckily Mom got TD inside and then looked at that critter. She saw blood and thought for sure he was a goner. She got a shovel and was going to move him out of the yard until the morning when she would dispose of him properly. But she got the scare of her life when she went to lift the shovel and he jumped off and ran away. Those possums are good tricksters.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. Good job Oskar!!! Yep, we believe that couch is yours so you fix those blankets just like you want 'em. Hugs and nose kisses

  4. Uhhhh! Maybe next time! My mom puts her battery into her camera first thing in the morning and keeps it right next to her, because she's missed so many things that would've made cool pictures. I think it would've been cool to all us dogs to see you in ratter mode!
    yuki and rocket

  5. Oh Oskar you is the pup! Can you believe the nerve of those varmits?

    Sheesh, well, I hope that if he has the gall to return tonight that your Mom will be ready with the flashy box!

    woos, Tessa

  6. Your right Oscar,, it is your couch,, and you need it to be comfy for you!
    I know you are totally exhaughsted after confronting the intrider!
    But rest up,, recoop, and hopefully he won't be back!

  7. Awww….poor little possum. The mom has a soft spot for them. When she was little, one visited their back yard regularly. She has a soft spot for birdies too, so we understand, Oscar! We don't like neat covers either. If the mom tries to make the bed, we "mole" in it and make it comfy. The mom pretty much has given up on the bed! Yay!

  8. That possum better wise up! We had some squirrel encounters here this week that didn't fare well for the squirrels. Hopefully, the rest of them got the memo and will stay out of the yard for their own safety.

    Sweet dreams (of possum chasing!)

  9. Those possums got some nerve. Stanzie pretty much took care of the possum population around here.
    Be careful Oskar…the big ones are mean!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  10. Ha ha ha! You're my hero Oskar! Them possums is scary mean. I think it's good you couldn't get to it, but I am verreh impressed you tried!

  11. I doubt Mr Possum will be back after your warning…We have civet cats here that are even bigger than me! There's no way I'm going anywhere near them.

    Love, Whisky

  12. Terriers rule! *paws* too bad you couldnt finish him! *evil laugh*

    all the good stuff happens when the cameras arent around 😉

  13. Hey Oskar – that possum will be thinkin' twice before he leaves his hiney anywhere you can reach it!! BOL!!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

    PeeS: I know you live with cats…… but Scarlet, Zoe and me cornered Grandpaws' cat in the dining room… should have heard the karfuffle……mum screamed….Scarlet copped a giant scratch on the top of her head and how no blood was drawn….mum is amazed!

  14. Oh Yeah Oskar!! Kick that possums buttocks!!! Doesn't it feel good to stretch your legs and chase something. So dream of that possum and I'm thinking of groundhogs!! Terriers rule, possums and varmints drool!!!!

  15. Sounds like you told that possum off good, Oskar! He probably won't be back anytime soon!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  16. You're so brave Oskar! Rest well and go get the intruder.

    We're sending your and your mom an email about your comment. We would be honored to be in PBU, of course. Thankies so much!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie (Tabby, too)

  17. Oh Oskar – even without any photos, I could imagine it just from your description! What an exciting evening!

    (And by the way, Hsin-Yi says she so agrees – no one else in our household things of picking up the camera when something happens either, unless she does it!)

    Honey the Great Dane

  18. Wow! You are very brave! You seem to be quite the hunter. Oh, I saw a chipmunk in my yard today — the little rascal. Way too fast for me.

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