Woozle Troubles

Yes, I’m having a bad woozle day, what’s it to you, woman?

Can you back up out of my face.  I really don’t see what’s so exciting.

Fine!  I’m awake.  You’ve gotten your shot, now leave.  I hope my darling Bella doesn’t see me like this!

I’m not looking at you anymore…

You will rue the day that I figure out how to use that flashy box on you!

I’m sorry we have not been around to see all of my bloggy friends. 

My mom person is going to an outpatient place where they are trying to help her with her bi-polar sickies.  She’s gone all day & I only get to go out in the morning & the afternoon & there’s no one to play with me, but I don’t care about all of that, I just want her to figure out how to be happy again.

We’ll see you when we can, friends & hopefully by then my woozle will be in some sort of non-embarassing state!

*stupid flashy box*



41 Responses »

  1. Woo should see how my mom's woozle looks in the morning –

    No wonder she puts the khamera out of my reach!

    PeeEssWoo: Pawz khrossed fur your mom with the Two Polar Bears – hope she'll get them leashed up okay!

  2. I don't know Oskar I think that your woozle looks quite dashing! What can we do with our Pawrents and their darn flashy box? Just smile and groan!

    Sure hope that your Mom finds happy, I gots my paws crossed for her.

    woos, Tessa

  3. I like your messy woozle. My woozle is too little yet to be messy, but my fur-brother Theo has a very messy woozle very much of the time.

    Licks and Love,

  4. I have short hair, so my woozle is never messy, but Felix says a messy woozle is an exam of a life well lived! Embrace the mess, I say! We're sending lots of lovies to your Mama. sixties are no fun at all. We're glad she has nice humans to help her get happy and healthy, so she can keep sending us pictures if your snout ;0) yYiu both brighten our day!

  5. That's nothing Oskar!!! You should see my "cone woozle" after it's been squooshed into my stoopid cone for days and days!!!!!!!! Not good.

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  6. It is impawtant for your Mom to go there Oskar. We send many purrs to her to find her happy and keep the flashy box on you, the handsome dude! Hey, I have lots of happy, I will share!!!

  7. We are all cracking up at Khyra's comment.

    That flashy beast can be annoying, but it DOES allow us to see the very handsome Oskar. We really like your woozle on a good day or a bad day.

    Paws crossed for your Mom to get things working well for her – we want her to be happy too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. hey.. your woozle is in another color and its longer… pretty cool! humans sure don't know how to back off when we snooze.

    hope your momma gets better soon ya… and i know she will. She is a trooper 🙂 give her lotta hugs n kisses from all of us here.

    Dommy+Anny and sometimes the Piper

  9. We thinks you look handsome just as you are! Hope your mom is feeling better in no time!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  10. us schnauzers always gots the messed up woozles if our moms don't take care of it. i say be proud of it!

    we have many relatives who have the bi-polar sickies but tell mom to take care of herself and stick with the care and she'll be fine.

    ♥ yuki and rocket

  11. So sorry your mom has been having trouble with that terrible disease. M has never had it, but she knows people that do, and it's no fun. Give your mom lots of puppy smooches, she'll love it and it will help her feel better. M says she'll keep her in thoughts and prayers.

  12. Hey Oscar
    Thank goodness we get tos ee your cute little face!
    No one to play with– how about coming to see me in a magic bubble?
    And.. I am expecting a miracle for your mom… so tell her to look for it. She will be all better soon!

  13. Aww.. you still look great with your woozle ^^
    We are sending our prayer vibes so that your mommy would be well soon. Send her all our love and smiles 😉

    Take care

    Love ya,
    Jon Terry

  14. Woozle or no woozle, you are still excessively handsome Oskar. We're sending healing purrrs to your mom. ((((HUGS))))) purrr….meow!

  15. Mummy always laughs at my woozle after I nap. She should look in the mirror when she wakes from HER nap!

    We're sending lots of woofs and purrs to your Mom.

    Love, Whisky

  16. Oskar my furriend you are surely the best medicine fur yur mom…JG & I send you & her all our best wishes & hope mom is feeling better soon…Meanwhile just keep being her best furriend

    *healing snoogles* frum Gizmo & Mau Kitteh

  17. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, I think you have that rugged outdoorsy look! Very exciting to the woo dogs. Sending some good vibes to your Mom so she feels better fast.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  18. Aw, don't be mad at your Mommi Oskar! We only flash the box at creatures we love very, very much! I have prayed for God's love and peace to fill your Mommi's heart and mind so that she will have joy everyday. Tell her to live happily one day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow. Also tell her to see how the psalmist cheered himself up when he was feeling very down in Psalm 42….:)

  19. We luvs your woozle…just the way it is!
    And we are keeping our paws crossed for you Mommy….please give her hugs and kissed from us!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  20. Dont you just hate it when they do that. I so hope your mum's appointments are helping her and she soon feels much better and happy.. Hugs GJ xx

  21. I hope your mom person will feel happier really soon.
    And your woozle looks very sophisticated. I think the blond & curling up look suits you 😉

  22. We think that you look great!

    We are also hoping that you mom starts to feel happy again, too!

    Nicole and Macho

  23. We want your mom to be all happy again too sweet Oskar. We hope they are able to help her get all better. You look adorable eyes close or wide open it doesn't matter. Hugs and nose kisses

  24. We sends hugs and love to your Mommy. Our Daddy is bi-polar and he too has spent time in the hospital. We missed him and it took time but he does feel better (Most of the time). Its a hard fight.
    and strength
    Nellie, Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters, Bob and Cinnamon and the Pawrents!

  25. Oooh, Oskar…'tousled bed-woozle'…SWOOON…

    Just wanted to let your Mommy know that we will be thinking of her from far away and really hope this programme helps her lots!

    Honey the Great Dane

  26. I'm kind of liking your wild woozle state 😀

    Wishing your Mom the best of luck on finding the right medicine!

    Waggin at ya,

  27. Bella and I LOVE you Oskar!!!! We LOVE your woozle too!!!!! Bella is a champion in the "bad woozle" catagory, almost every day!!! She plays a game I call "Dog Butt" where she puts her hear on the floor and her butt in the air!!! I then smack her on the butt and say "dog butt…" over and over while she smooches her face around and around! For some reason this gives her great joy!!! It also makes for a REALLY messed up woozle when she becomes upright!!!
    I hope your Mom feels better soon!!! I hope that she knows that we all care about her and miss her when she isn't here!!!!

  28. Oskar – your woozle is fine. But, I do agree about our moms' flashy boxes! Sheesh – can they ever put those things down?

    I hope your mom will be feeling better soon!


  29. I think you have one of the finest woozles in all of Blogville, Oskar! I betcha anything you'll start a Woozle Style Trend here in Blogville.

    Good luck to your momma. I think it's real brave of her to get help for her sickies. One of my grampas has that Bye-Polars sickness and he won't get helps. It makes everybuddy around him sad so we know just how terrific your mom is for asking somebuddy to help her.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  30. Oskar – you're adorable no matter what state your woozle's in! Hope you're Mom is better soon. In the meantime, give her lots of snuggles 🙂

    The Road Dogs

  31. Hi Oskar, I'm finally getting a chance to get caught up reading blogs. You know I never thought about that much. If us dogs knew how to use the flashy camera box on our humans — we could get some really embarrasing pictures of them to teach them a lesson. My mommy calls me a "Peeping Tom" whenever I poke my nose on the side of the shower curtain when she is doing the scary bath thing on herself. Imagine if I could get the flashy camera box picture at that moment — oh, I think I could use that picture to bribe her for lots and lots of dog treats and toys!

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