Almost Wordless Wednesday

Sunshine & warm weather, you just can’t beat it!!!!

PS – Blogger ate our background and header.  I think it’s those squirrels that Frankie’s always talking about.  Hopefully we have a nice new look soon!!


31 Responses »

  1. We wholeheartedly agree, Oskar. But we have wind and clouds today with rain on the way:(

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. Ooh, Oskar… You look like you're really enjoying the warm weather, but I see you might have something else coming up soon that you won't like as much.

    H-A-I-R-C-U-T . . .

    Don't worry, it happens to the best of us!

    Puppy kisses

  3. that sunshine is making your furs look like it's a chocolate color! rocket loves the sun too, yuki prefers the shade.

    yuki and rocket

  4. I am sure it was a bunch of Squirrels… UNFORTUNATELY.. as the weather warms… they seem to come out and about MORE. Sheesh.

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Warm sum makes my Human happy. Me too!

    Just stopped by to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. that explains alot. google is run by squirrels?

    i am loving the sunshine and warmer weather too…but winter will still be here for awhile!
    'Bask in it while you can!

  7. Oh, Oskar, you look so happy to be out in the sunshine! So good to see you after being away from the blogosphere for 6 months! We'll catch up with you regularly from now on….

  8. Dropped by to say hello, we saw you on our friends blog!
    Blooger is being very naughty lately! ggrrr Enjoy your sun.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Huglets

  9. We had them eat wires once, it is troubling that they are in the Internet now, too.

    Great picture, looks like a wonderful day.

  10. Blogger makes us crazy sometime. Did you get a good tan in that sun? It rained here yesterday. I love the rain but something about muddy paws and yammer yammer…not sure why the humans don't like it.



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