Category Archives: All About Your People

All About Your People!


Well it’s here & I hope lots of you will play along. Since our people do such a good job of blogging for us, I thought we could get a little recognition.

The only rules are that I ask you to copy and past the button at the top of my sidebar & then add your post to my Mr. Linky. We’ll be leaving Mr. Linky up all weekend for you to add your link.

Try to visit as many links as you can, so that we can all make new friends.

O.K., about me. I live with my mom person, my dad person & my boys John & Jack. John’s girlfriend is here a lot too, so I’m going to include her too.

We live in Waterford, Michigan in the U.S. Right about here.


For any of you outside of the U.S., Michigan is shaped like a mitten, so we can always tell people where we live by holding up our hands, well people can, paws don’t work so well.

This is my dad person, Chris.


He is 41 years old & works for a local college in the admissions department. He came into a ready-made family of my mom person & John & Jack. My people have been married almost 7 years. My dad person loves the outdoors & going camping when he isn’t working about 42,879 per week. He’s also an awesome cook & sometimes I get to eat some of his yummy food.

Here is my mom person, Pam. She also blogs under the name Mimi. I guess it was her nick name when she was little & she still likes it.


She used to work all the time, but she has been sick the past few years. She has something called bi-polar depression, and last year she got a tummy sickness called gastroparesis. This means that the muscles in her tummy don’t munch up the food well, so she has lost lots of weight since that picture was taken and spent way too much time in the hospital. She’s doing better now, but the depressions & the tummy problems won’t ever go away. She say that I am one of her best medicines!

She reads lots of books, blogs a lot, and watches way too much TV. Shows called NCIS & Criminal Minds are her favorites. She is 43 years old.

My oldes boy is John David. He is 18. His girlfriend is LeighAnne. She moved away from her house for college and now lives close to us. They have been together almost a year and a half.


John is studying for his GED and plans on going to college in the fall to take some classes. John pays lots of attention to me & you can usually find me protecting him during thunder storms.

Here’s me & John after I helped him plant some trees for my dad person’s birthday.


This is my youngest boy, Jack. He just turned 15 and will be going somewhere called high school in September.


Jack only lives here half the time. He spends the other half of the time with his dad person, so we miss him sometimes. (John & Jack are both from my mom person’s first marriage.) Jack didn’t like me when I first came to live here. I used my needle-like puppy teeth to bite his face alot, but he has forgiven me now.

Both of my boys love music, video games and hanging out with friends, which doesn’t include me!

Now it’s your turn to add your link. Please put the link to your actual All About Your People post, not just the main link to your blog, so when friends visit, they don’t have to hunt around.
