Category Archives: Carseat

My "Adventure"

Do your people ever get you all excited for a “big adventure” just to have it backfire on you?  Mine tried that trick yesterday.  First there was this.  We won a CSN gift code from Road Dog Tails and she chose this.

I thought, great, a basket to carry all of my toys somewhere.  WRONG!

My pitiful, save-me face did nothing for me.  Apparantly travelling on my people’s lap when we drive is not safe & I must have a car seat now.  I was not consulted.

I decided to take it as a positive thing that we were going somewhere fun, like the park or the pet store.  Guess who was wrong again?

The V-E-T!  Tricked, I was!  You can see that I was already panting with nervousness. These visits never end well!

You guys know what happens next.  The tiny room with the table!

Thankfully my mom person’s flashy box ran out of batteries at this point, so you don’t have to have flashbacks by watching them give me shots & draw my blood.  There was one tiny victory when the vet said that since I was so nervous, he wouldn’t take my temperature.  I will remember to be extra nervous in the future, to avoid the thermometer of humiliation.

I rode home in my carseat and didn’t fuss as much, but I was wiped out for the rest of the day.  I hope your Friday was better than mine!