Category Archives: Mango

Me & My Octopus!

My friend Mango (and probably Dexter too) send me this cool Orange Octopus a while back.  Even though he was wounded in a tragic lawnmower accident and is now rendered mute, I still love him.  The pictures speak for themsleves.

I love you, orange Octopus, even if you don’t squeak anymore!


Mango Salsa: Just Say NO!

My relentlessly  huge friend Mango is always in fear of his huge self when he sees things like mango smoothies.

So imagine my horror when my dad person brought this home from the store.  I immediately went to Mango’s blog to make sure he was o.k. and he’s fine.

I inspected this salsa product and saw no relentlessly huge bits in it, but I hope no other pups named Mango or Peach were harmed in the making of this salsa.

I only sampled a few bites refused to eat it based on principle.  Us fur pals have to stick together!
