Category Archives: Pet Blogger Challenge

Pet Blogger Challenge

Pet Blogger Challenge

1. When did you begin your blog?
January 16, 2009

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?
To let people see how cool I am and to meet super cool friends!

3. Is your current purpose the same?
It has become so much more than just having dog friends, the pet blogging community is full of pawsome people.

4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?
My mom person doesn’t post everyday as I would like her to, but we post 4 to 6 times a week.

5. Are you generating income from your blog?
No we are just trying to make people smile here.

If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how?
I don’t know about generating income, probably not, unless something we really believe in comes along.

6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?
I think I can make people laugh and sometimes put a smile on their faces.  I’m a pretty fun schnauzer and I am excessively handsome, you know.

7. What do you like least?
Learning about my friends who are sick or have passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2011?
I’d just like to make lots more great friends!
