Category Archives: Sand Script

My Message To Bella

Bella, I wanted JD & Max to make me a message to tell you how I feel about you!  I hope you like it.

Any guys or ladies out there who want to send a message to that special someone?  Sand Scripts, part of the Crossed Paws organization, will write your message in the sand for only $1.00!

It’s really a nice momento, my mom person had one written for my dad person because their wedding anniversary is tomorrow.

I hope dear Asta and all of our east coast friends are safe & sound.  Pawerful prayers that the recovery goes smoothly and they can all tell us that they are OK soon.

**Pupdate – Petey reports that he is fine & he even saw Asta & her Daddi, so they are all right also.  I can’t wait to get more updates!
