Category Archives: The Nickname Game

Sarge’s The Nickname Game

Sarge is hosting The Nickname Game where we are supposed to list the nicknames out peeps call us:
Spindle (my legs look spindly when I a groomed & my schnauzer skirt is removed)
Stinky Pete
Fuzz Butt
Nubbin’ Butt
Barky von Schnauzer
Woozle Face
Mr. Fur Pants

That sums up most of them.  If I think of any more I will add them in later.

Now you, my readers, are supposed to leave a comment telling me which nickname you like best.  Once we have a favorite, my peeps are only supposed to call me by that name for a week.

So read through my list & tell me your favorite & visit Sarge to play for yourself, you can enter up until 5/18.