Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother's Day, 2013Happy Mother’s day to all of you mom people out there.

Here’s a picture of me with my first mom, Shelley.

Day 1 Snow White and the 8 Dwarfs 8I’m not quite sure which one I am, but if you see the excessively handsome on, that’s me.

100_1779-2That is an old picture of me & my mom person because she didn’t feel like taking a new one today & since it is Mother’s Day I let her off the hook.

173 (2)Here’s my mom person with my boys, John & Jack.  She tells them that they are the best thing that ever happened to her, but I have a suspicion that she tells them that so they don’t feel bad that I’m her favorite.

My mom person & I are going to lay in bed & read until later today when we get to go see her mom person, better known as my monnie, for a BBQ.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day to everyone who is a mom person to someone else!

Thanks to the amazing Ann at Zoolatry the the pawsome graphic!

Guess Who’s Leaving Me Behind To Go To #BlogPaws?

Someone named Mr. FTC wants me to make sure that I tell you that Iams is paying for my mom person to go to BlogPaws and also that they provide me & the kitties who live here with Iams food. We are proud Iams bloggers!

I'm going to BlogPaws AGAIN badge

Yep, once again my mom person is going to BlogPaws & once again I’m not going with her.  Something about my lack of manners.  A weak excuse if I’ve ever heard one.

BlogPaws 2012

You know who does get to go?  Flat Oskar, a poor stand in for the real thing I say.  Flat Oskar is cool & was made with love by our good buddy Bev at Iams (@BeVaZa), but he just can’t give the public the true picture of my excessive handsomeness.

Iams is my mom persons sponsor for the event & who better to tell folks about how great Iams food is than me, the one who actually eats it?  I’ve never seen her eat any of my Iams Prime Naturals dog food!

And another thing, we would’t have a great sponsor like Iams if they hadn’t noticed this blog, The Daily Oskar back in 2011.  They didn’t contact her about a blog called The Daily Mom Person. Just sayin…

Do you get to go to BlogPaws?

Harley Has Male Pattern Baldness!

I just found a new friend named Harley.  He doesn’t have a blog, his mom person is old friends with my mom person.  And I do mean they’re old, BOL!

HarleyHarley lives in the UP of Michigan.  It’s called that because it’s the “up” part of Michigan.  What?…Hmm, my mom person say it’s called the UP for Upper Peninsula, but that’s silly because it is up.

Here’s a map of where Harley is from.

calumetYou can see that he is really, really up there.  I bet he has to be careful not to wander too far away or he could fall in Lake Superior.

Harley has a unique hair issue.

He’s kinda, sorta, well…bald.

Harley1Now I thought someone had just been mean & shaved a strip of his back furs off, but no the vet says he has male pattern baldness.


Harley is kind of embarrassed about his bald patch, but I wanted to let him know that it’s okay.  We’re all different & I think his patch makes him look like kind of a rebel.  His name is Harley, he’s like a cool motorcycle dude with a shaved patch because he’s a bada$$.

He has a brofur named Sammy.

Harley and Sam 2013aSammy is the older brofur and he makes sure that Harley knows that he is special.

Since Harley doesn’t have a blog, I thought maybe you guys could leave him a message in my comments telling him that it’s okay to be an individual and that his spot makes him look extra cool!

Run Free Sammy

Sammy, ASVLOskar’s mom person here.  Unfortunately it seems like every day we get the sad news that another pet has crossed The Rainbow Bridge.

Yesterday Kevin (MeowMeowMans of Animal Shelter Volunteer Life) & his wife Tracey had to make the agonizing decision to let their beloved cat Sammy go.

Kevin & Tracey are long time volunteers at PAWS Animal Welfare Society, and have devoted countless hours to loving abandoned and alone cats and working to find them homes.

Just like all folks who have to let their pets go, Kevin & Tracey are in need of our support, so if you could drop by & offer you condolences I know they would appreciate it.


What Do You Mean You Want A Refund?

My mom person found this today and she says she wants a refund.

Graduation Certificate

I’m pretty sure this is an insult.

By the way, we have a cool giveaway of an Easy Scoop A Poop going on at Pet Blogs United so check it out!

Oh and another little thing, if you didn’t see it, I’m the Pooch Of The Week on the Canada Pooch website.  They make great raincoats and outerwear.

Meet Pawl Griffin V.P. Of Canine Communications For Iams

Someone named Mr. FTC says I have to tell you at the beginning of my post that Iams provides free food for me & the kitties who live with me. We’re proud Iams bloggers!
image001 (1)

I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to my friend Griffin.
Pawl Griffin

Griffin is the V.P. of Canine Communications for Iams, Eukanuba and Natura Pet Food brands. His full name is Pawl Griffin; however, his call name is “Griffin.” Fans actually named him via Facebook.

Griffin is a Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (PBGV) and was born on December 31, 2010. His breed name reveals much about him:

Petit – small
Basset – low to the ground
Griffon – wire coated
Vendéen – the area of France where the breed originated.

A PBGV is a French scenthound that was originally developed to hunt small game over rough and difficult terrain. The color of Griffin’s coat is white with a combination of tan, sable and black markings. For additional information about PBGV’s please visit the AKC Breed Standard.

Pawl non branded

Griffin is happy go lucky, extroverted, and smart. He is free with his voice, curious by nature and eager to please. He is never timid nor aggressive. He thrives when he is the center of attention. He is excited about life and trying new things.

Here’s Griffin helping out with a delivery donation of food to the Cincinnati Pet Food Pantry in March.

cincy 1photo

Griffin got on a surf board in September–his first time surfing! This took place in San Diego and was part of an annual fund raiser for Helen Woodward Animal Center.

Pawl Surf

How cool is that?  A surfer dude!

This photo was taken when Griffin took a trip to Boston in July of 2012. His stops included a P&G donation of books for Operation Outreach-USA.  Looks like he made those kids pretty happy doesn’t it?

Pawl Kids

My mom person got to meet Griffin when she went to the AKC Eukanuba National Championship.  (That’s not her with him on the podium.)

Pawl PodiumHe’s done an awful lot for being such a young dog hasn’t he?

Stay tuned, I’ll be interviewing Griffin soon to learn more about his cool job!

Spring Visitor

Spring is here, so we all know that the tree rats will be back in force.

DSC_0029What I didn’t expect to see was this…


turkey1Mr. Turkey Lurkey are you lost?  I have to warn you that my people have been known to eat your kind.  I’m glad you stopped by, but if I was  you I would high tail it out of here!

Naked & Cold

So my peeps decided that it was time for my spring nudie cut.  I can’t even look at you.

DSC_0019This is just so embarrassing.

DSC_0010And my people have perfect timing…


DSC_0012It may be hard to see, but when I got home from being shorn like a sheep it was snowing.

I don’t know if Puxatony Phil has a blog, but if I find one, I’m leaving an anonymous spam comment!


Bringing The Outdoors In

I’ve seen a few interior decorating shows and they talk about bringing the outdoors in, to make your house look nice.

You know me, I always try to help out so I’m doing my part by going outside, roaching in the grass & bringing in as much of the outdoors as I can.

2013-03-30 13.12.01

2013-03-30 13.12.05

2013-04-03 14.08.50

2013-04-03 14.08.53

2013-04-04 14.34.47These are just a few shots taken over a series of several days.

This is just another thankless task that I perform for my peeps.  Do you think I get an extra treat or a simple “thank you, Oskar”, no of course I don’t.  But I just can’t help myself.  I’m a giver.



Hi guys,

Guess who had to go to the VET!

100MEDIA_IMAG0147100MEDIA_IMAG0145Table of doom (AKA place where they take your temperature!)

100MEDIA_IMAG0144Well guess what, I had a double ear infection.

DSC_0007I got two different kinds of medicine.  Medicine in your ears is not fun.

I already had my re-check and it’s all clear now, but I have to have my ears rinsed once a week.  Not that happy, but I guess it’s good that my ears don’t hurt anymore.

I’m pretty sure I heard my mom person make an appointment for the groomer on Saturday.  *sigh*  I just got my coat nice & stinky rolling in dead stuff I found in the yard after the snow melted!  The trials that we dogs have to go through.