More Sickies For Me

Hello friends,

I’m sorry we have still been off the radar.  Just when I got my back feeling better, now I’m having troubles with vomiting.



My energy is low too.  They think I might have pancreatitis.  I guess that in addition to being excessively handsome, miniature schnauzers are predisposed to pancreatitis.

20130912_165953I’m taking medicine & eating special food.  I’m waiting to see my very own vet Dr. on Saturday.  I saw a different vet at the same practice, but he didn’t do the blood work necessary to determine if I do actually have pancreatitis.

So, once again, we’ll probably be out of touch even more.  We’ll update you all when we get any new information.


Healing Is Boring!

A week into my back problem & my problems seem to have all gone away, except for one…boredom!

My peeps have me locked in the sunroom where there are no stairs to go outside & have the couch blocked off like this.

2013-08-23 22.54.16No way for me to jump up there.  But you know who can still get up there?  The cats, Chloe & Moe.  Not fair, I say.

I’m only allowed into the yard to do my business.  I can’t chase squirrels, secure the perimeter or even warn my peeps about possible intruders.  I know it’s for me to feel better, but it’s still boring.

This is where I hang out all day with one of my people.

2013-08-23 22.54.44

My peeps mostly lift me on & off of the mattress, because even climbing up on that could be bad for me.

At night I have to go in my crate, but since someone always sleeps on the sunporch with me, I don’t feel lonely & cry.

I feel 100%.  In another day or so my Prednisone will be decreased again to only every other day for 5 last days.  Hopefully then I’ll be all better for good.

My mom person is doing well also.  She is kind of whiney because on Tuesday she has to have a test where they put a camera down her throat & up her bum!!!  I sure hope if they use the same camera for both, they do the throat first, BOL!

Thanks from both of us for all of your love & wishes.  When I get sad my mom person reads them to me & I feel better!

Crating & Sedating ~ So Far So Good

You guys know how much  my mom person loves me right?


Well here’s some more proof.  Since we only have a little crate & my peeps didn’t want to spend green papers to buy a large crate my mom person made our whole sunporch into a safe area for me.

She blocked off the couch so I can’t get up on it & brought up this mattress to be her new “office” so we can hang out together.

DSC_0004I like my little crate for sleeping in, it’s cozy, but I can spend the rest of the day laying with one of my peeps on this mattress.

They had to increase my sedative, because hey I’m a schnauzer. Sedate is not really my thing!

My peeps are so pawsome that when I sleep in my little crate at night at least one of them sleeps down here with me.  Last night my dad person slept on the couch & my mom person slept on this mattress. That keeps me from feeling lonely.

2 days down only 12 to go!

To learn about this beautiful black kitty check out the Pet Blogs United post for Black Cat Appreciation Day.


When Good News Is Really Bad News, Health Update

Hey it’s me Oskar!  All of your prayers & love have been amazing!

DSC_0004After just one dose of my Prednisone I am feeling 100%!  I still have to take it for 3 weeks.

For some strange reason this is actually bad news. It doesn’t make sense to me, but my mom person says that I am not supposed to be jumping on the furniture, roaching & rolling around in the grass when I go outside, or chasing dogs that walk by my house.

DSC_0006It’s not like she even has any proof that I’ve been roaching in the grass that was mowed yesterday.

My nice mean vet says since I can’t be calm I have to be crated for 2 weeks!

DSC_0010I haven’t been crated since I was a very wee pup.  My mom person tried it today & it took me 2 hours of screaming at her before she let me back out.

They tried taking me outside to do my business with my harness & leash on, but obviously if I have my leash & harness on that means we are going for a walk.  I just kept jumping up on my mom person waiting for the walk to start & we went nowhere except the back yard.  Oh, and apparently jumping up on people is also on the list of “things Oskar can not do for at least 2 weeks.”

If I’m not still I could blow out my back which would require some surgicals & rehab.

Now my mom person has a leaky face because the vet at Petmate says that I will have to be sedated & crated for at least 2 weeks.   I don’t know what sedated means, but it is making my mom person very unhappy, so I don’t think I will like it.

She has been having lots of talks with me about things being “for my own good” but not chasing off potential intruders,  not rolling & roaching in the grass & not being allowed out of my crate, do not seen like it is for MY good.  



I still don’t know why she thinks I have been roaching in the yard.

The good news is that even though I am overdue I do not have to go to the groomers for a few weeks, but I think I’d rather be groomed than be sedated & crated.

Thanks again for all of your love friends. We’ll update you when we can.




Oskar Health Update

Hello friends,

Our vet thinks that Oskar has a spinal lesion, which is like a slipped disc.  He will be on Prednisone for 3 weeks along with Pepcid AC for his stomach because the Prednisone can be kind of harsh.

Right now he can walk pretty well when he can get up, but he really can’t get up from a sitting or laying down position.  His back legs won’t lift him up.  We have to keep him from running, jumping, etc. for at least 2 weeks which will be a challenge.

Here’s a link to a YouTube video of what’s happening.

YouTube Video

It’s really terrifying to see him not be able to get up like this.

We would love to hear from anyone who has been through this before.

POTP Needed For Oskar

Today we had to take a trip to the vet. Oskar’s back legs are not working properly.  The vet thinks it’s a neurological issue, but the vet couldn’t get him to replicate the problem completely in the office. We’re back home now, waiting for our vet to consult with the neurologist.

I’ll update when we know more.


Kong Treat Prize Pack Anyone? #Win

Yep, while my old mom person has been laying around feeling bad, I have had the pleasure of trying out the great new line of Kong Treats!

Just look at the array of loot that I got to sample!

Kong CollageThere’s Buddies Bacon, Crunchy Treats & a pawsome Drumstick Chew

DSC_0061Lemme at it!

Kong 2Okay, that was fantastic!

Here’s your chance to win a Kong Treats prize pack valued at $30 for yourself!

Please follow along with the Rafflecopter below.  Sorry international friends, this giveaway is open to US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Leave Of Absence

I’m sorry for the lack of updates lately.

I’m struggling with a couple of different health problems that are being very persistent.  All will be fine, I just need to muster through.

If you’ve emailed me about being featured or if I’m supposed to review a product please be patient.  I will eventually get to you once I get better.

Oskar’s Mom Person