Tag Archives: Spring

40 Degrees, It Feels Like Spring

Yeah, that’s right, in this long harsh winter we’re excited for 40 degrees.

I did some serious patrolling in my yard today and some one thought they had to wipe my muddy feet every single time I came in! All four of them!!  That’s the thanks I get for being vigilant.


It’s not my fault it’s mud season. And it’s actually supposed to rain for the next 2 days. I do love me some good mud, er…I mean that’s too bad 😉

Actually we did go for a walk since it’s so nice out.

2014-03-18 18.55.04I see something that needs inspection, hurry up.

2014-03-18 18.56.12

2014-03-18 18.56.20I better get a good sniff.

2014-03-18 18.57.18

It’s dangerous work being an Oskar!

C’mon, let’s see what else there is to find.

2014-03-18 18.57.58