Please Pause For Prayers

I’m sorry we haven’t been around lately, we got some bad news. My mom person’s mom, who we call Monnie, has a sickness called breast cancer.

She will be having an operation called a mastectomy on 12/15. The good news is that after her operation, she should not have to have any chemo or radiation.

My people are all upset and scared, especially my mom person. We know how strong our blogging community is and would like to ask all of our friends around the world to pray and send good wishes for Monnie.

Hopefully we’ll be back to more regular blogging soon.



25 Responses »

  1. we are upset and scared too! you be an extra special good boy to your mom Oskar so she will get better quickly. we will be thinking of you both!!

  2. Hi Oskar – we know the power of positive vibes so we're sending all our healing thoughts your way. We'll be thinking of monnie on that date – she'll be fine, especially with you around to look after everyone. Lots of love and snuggles – JD, Max and the humans!!

  3. Dear Oskar,
    We will say our doggie prayers tonight for your Monnie. We are so sorry. Please give your Mommy some love licks from us to comfort her.
    Mack and Sally Ann

  4. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family – we're sending lots of terrier triumph you way.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  5. Oh, Oskar. So upsetting to hear, and always a harder blow to take when it comes near the holidays. My grandpa (mom's dad) is getting radiation treatment now for recurrent prostate cancer sickies, so we know how your family must feel. We'll keep you all in our prayers!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  6. We are sending all our Terrier Wiry Foxy healing vibes to Monnie – and we send big hugs to your Mom too.

    Take care of them Oskar – they will need all the cuddles they can get!

    Lots of licks
    Sally and paddy (Hugs from D)

  7. Oh sweet Oskar, tell mommy to be brave, all our prayers and love for her, everything will be okay and she will be fine soon!
    This is a difficult moment but she will win it!
    God bless you,
    lots of love and good energies!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  8. We are sending lots of doxie healing rayz your way. Mom is praying for your mom's mom too.
    Give your mom a kiss from us.
    Love Ruby & Penny
    Pees – our mom's mom had breast cancer. She just had a lumpectomy. Radiation but no chemo. This was over 10 years ago.

  9. Dear Friend,
    Please don't worry.Monnie will be in our prayers.please don't lose courage!on our behalf,please tell Monnie to be cheerful.A BIG GOD BLESS YOU!

  10. Oh Oskar, our paws are crossed that your Mom's Mom will make a full recovery!

    ((hugs)) from your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  11. Oh dear! Sorry to hear such bad news. Sending lots of good and positive thoughts your way and especially your Monnie's way. Will be thinking of you all.

  12. Hi Oskar and Mommy too. Your mommy is in our prayers that her surgery will go well.

    Glad she won't have to have treatments after. What a blessing!

    Take care and keep us posted.

    We love you,
    Riley and Star.

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