My So-Called Birthday

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If you read my last post you know my people forgot my birthday this year. My mom person says she accidentally wrote it in on July 28th, instead of June 28th. I don’t see her forgetting either of my boy’s birthdays!
I had hoped that as a couple of you suggested, there was a surprise party planned. I woke up eagerly and hoped to see all of my friends, but alas, no party.
I decided to use the guilt method of people reinforcement with my people. This can be very a very effective way to train forgetful people. You just have to stay consistent.
First my guilting brought about a meager offering. A lowly piece of bologna. Hmm.
My next attempt was met with a little more success, some popcorn shrimp.
Tasty, but I could have used a little cocktail sauce. Then I got to help my boy John plant another tree. Since I was working so hard supervising, John picked me up & let me just observe.
Playing had not been done, so I brought my trust octopus, and let them know what should come next. I even stood it up nicely all by myself.
Then today when my dad broke down some chicken breasts, he made me a plate of chicken bits. Delightful.
I got to go to the pet supply store today, but was not allowed to pick out a belated squeaky toy! Some nonsense about me always tearing the stuffin’s out of my stuffies. Is it my fault is my toys need surgery!!!
I guess I’m pretty spoiled every day, so birthday’s aren’t that important, but next year I am hoping for a little more effort from my people!
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18 Responses »

  1. We're going to have to try that guilt bit–you got some mega food treats!

    Happy Birthday, Oskar

    Hey, maybe you can celebrate from the 28th of June to the 28th of July and have a birthday month! Compensation for them forgetting?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. You are such a sweetie Oskar that you deserve special treatment.
    I bet next year will be terrific!

    (Carletta's Captures)

  3. Oh, Oskar, I would go on strike if I were you – that's completely unacceptable!

    Where are the people coming to tell you how special you are, and the hats you refuse to wear, and the cake they only give you bit of but which is so super yummy you wish you could eat all of it!

    Well, maybe your Mom person will forget that she forgot your birthday, and you'll get a party on the 28th July!

    Puppy kisses

  4. Oskaw

    This is pawty????and meagew offewings and no picking out youw own toy fow a Biwfday??of couwse you destuff a stuffy..that's whey they have stuffing fow dogness sakes..and i also heawd that you awe not allowed to have yoguwt cause you get a stinky beawd???sheeesh, haven't youw hoomans evew heawd of wiping youw mouf and beawd wif a wet cloth aftew eating???

    I think you need to incwease the guilt
    Happy Biwfday anyway sweet fwiend!!!
    I love you and hope thinkgs impwove!
    smoochie kisses

  5. You got bologna, Oskar? We've never had that!
    We just know the hoomans have to be planning something big – maybe for next year?!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Hey, no worries. I got NOTHING for my birthdays up until I started blogging and then my pals shamed momma into at least making a cake. Sheesh.

    Happy Birthday, my friend.


  7. Hi Oskar – we've picked up some good tips from this post on training humans, thanks!

    Hey – by the way – JD wanted to mention that he thinks he's becoming very advanced on the art of schnauzer nest building! He says it's all down to you and your coaching! (Max prefers lying on laps to nest building – he's not prepared to apply himself the way JD does!) JD is hoping to post some photos on the blog about it soon.

    Well, happy belated barkday Oskar. Remember the guilt for this time next year – you'll have the BEST party in the neighbourhood!

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  8. You are right Oskar! We pups lead such charmed lives, everyday is like a birthday! Who wants to get older anyways??

    Brutus & Carmen (the Frenchies)

  9. Hi, Oskar!
    Well… you did not have a big party but sure it was a special day with yummy treats!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Oskar. At some point, we all want to forget it's our birthday but you are far from that. Glad you got some special treats, even if they were late.
    your cat pal,

  11. Hi Oskar – happy Birthday again! I think you sound like you had lots of treats, even if you didn't have an official party! Bologna? Wow! I've never tasted that – what's it like? And all those other exotic things you were scoffing down…sounds like a very godo birthday to me! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane

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