My Dad Person Has An Owie!

Whew, today has been a rough one.  My mom person I got waked up with a call saying my dad person was in a car accident.  He’s OK, but his back is hurting pretty bad. 

I’m laying with him to help him get better faster.  Here is what his car looks like.

I guess the car is damaged pretty bad, but it’s ok, cause my dad person is going to be ok.

I don’t even mind that I didn’t get any oatmeal and ham this morning.



39 Responses »

  1. Oh, Oskar…we were scared to read your post! Whew! We are so relieved your Dad person is ok…cars can definately be fixed or replaced.
    Give him lots of warm snuggles, ok?

    (((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

    PeeS: You can ham and oatmeal?? We're coming to live with you!!

  2. Ohh, Oskar, we hope your dad person gets well soon – lucky he's got you to supervise him.

    Perhaps he would benefit from oatmeal and ham?

    Puppy kisses & dogly sniffs
    Sasha & Rupert

  3. Oh Oscar,
    THANK DOGNESS!We are so relieved to hear your Daddy is ok.
    Sorry about the car, it looks bad.

    We hope ur Daddy feels better soon,
    wags, Buddy n Ginger

  4. I hope your dad will be right as rain soon! Take good care of him and make sure that you do a good job holding the blankets down around him. Moms and dads like that when they're sick or hurt. I don't know what those people without pets do to feel better when these things happen to them.


  5. Poor dad person! I bet accidents are really skeery. But I'm SOOOOO very much happy he's gonna be okay. Give him lots of extra snuggles from me, 'kay?

    Wiggles & Wags,

  6. Oh dear Oskar!
    Thank God your Daddy is alright…
    I can just imagine the panic your Mommy went thru when she heard the news…

    You are such a good son to care for your Daddy while he is recovering :o)

    Sending healing vibes his way,
    Neeko and my Pack!

  7. oooooh car accidents are not fun. mum has been in one, daddie in two. hope your daddie feels better soon~!!


    ps. loving the blog look~!!

  8. How Scary! We'll send warm purrs to help heal your Dad.
    You are a good guy to not complain about the oatmeal, or lack thereof.

  9. Hope your dad feels better too. Both he and the car have bad backs!

    We know you'll take care of him.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  10. Oh, Oskar, so sorry to hear about your Dad, but it looks like he's in good paws with you taking care of him and keeping him company!

    The Road Dogs

  11. Oskar,

    I am so hapy dat your dad was not hurts too bad. 🙁 Makes sure you gives him extra luvins to help him feel betters…'kay?

    Woofs and Healing Licks fur your dad,
    Maggie Mae

  12. We are sending many and many good thoughts to your dadda. Our momma got hitted in the back of her buggy a couple of years ago and it really and really skeered her!

  13. Oh, no! Tell your human parents to take care of themselves, Oskar! Don't leave your dad person's side, keep him warm.

    Rue & Qish

  14. Oh no, that is awful Oskar, my sisters and I send lots and lots of healing purrs to your Dad and I know you are taking the best care of him!

  15. Oh no poor Paw, we will keep our feets crossed he will feel better. You stay right by him in case he needs something
    Benny & Lily

  16. Hopes your daddy gets better soon Oskar.. that sure looks like a bad bump on the car… make sure the petrol tanks are no leakings.

    You stay put with your daddy and you'll be the best medicine for him. Take good care of him and he'll be up and running soon.

    woofs & licks,

  17. Oh my! Your poor dad! and your poor mom..that must have been a skeery phone call her got.

    I hope your dad feels better with da quickness!


  18. oskar,
    oh noes! i'm sorry your daddy got in a car accident and got hurt. me and asa and mama are so so relieved that he is okie dokie! i totally know your super duper snuggles will help your daddy feel the betterment as soon as possible. we are sendin' lotsa healy vibes your daddy's way, too.

    the booker man

  19. We've got your Da in our prayers for healing. Sorry about the accident. Good thing you are there to provide da love,

    Dozer and Coop

  20. Oskar's Daddy-

    Sorry about your car. Hope your back is okay. Take care of yourself. Looks like Oskar has it under control…. 🙂

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  21. Oska..we are sorry about the Owie..but so pleased your daddy is ok. We hope is is soon mended.

    Thank you so much for your lovely message and support on our loss of Ellie.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  22. Thank Dogness he's all right and he has you to take care of him. Having you there while he's recovering means a whole, whole lot, I bet.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  23. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the accident! I hope he feels better very soon. It's so awful to get a phone call about a car accident.

  24. WOW… HOW did I miss this one…

    poor dadbean…I'm sure he is much better now with you there by his side…I do that too for my 'beans.

    Thats quite a crunchy car there…

    Paws UP and heal quick dadbean..

  25. Oh Oskar! I can't believe I missed this!!! I"m so sorry – my human has been so busy this week that I'm so behind with catching up on news from my blog friends.

    Anyway, I'm glad your human wasn't seriously hurt although I'm sorry his back got ouchie. Am sending lots of healing slobbers from far away!

    Honey the Great Dane

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