Why Is It…

That cat’s can climb on stuff like the computer table or the desk?  If I tried to do that I’d get in trouble!



13 Responses »

  1. Um, so I asked almost this same question last night when Kitteh Brudder Cap'n Ripley jumped up on the dining room table. So I figured if he was allowed, I was allowed and I puts my front two feetsies on the table (I didn't even JUMP on it) and I got told, "Mayzie! Get down!" Now what kind of sense does that make? None!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  2. hey Oskar,

    You have asked the eternal question, the question that has plagued us doggies for as long as cats have existed. The same thing in my household – kitties get to climb and sleep on EVERYTHING and if I even touch my paw to the kitchen counter, well, we won't go there.


  3. Good question, I would like to know, too. It seems like Tofu gets in less trouble than I do. Not fair.


    P.S. Yes, feel free to use our Halloween costume pictures for the Pet Blogs United Halloween Parade!

  4. What do you mean I don't get into trouble?!? Uh-oh! I hope they didn't hear that pile of Dad's drawing's falling to the floor. Or check out Mom when she finds all of her best fabric when I leave it in a pile under the piano. (I also knock down lamps, but I never, never get on the table or sink board!)When you wag your tail, they think you're happy. If I wag my tail, they say, "Mandu's mad".
    Just keep smiling. That will get them.

  5. There's just something about those kitties that make mommas go ga-ga when they do bad fings. We say that if we can't do it – they can't do it and if they can do it, we can do it. We've been askin' fur a giant litter box fur us – ain't comin'…

  6. Oskar, thanks for stopping by Stumpy's blog. No worms in these apples or we would have given them to some horses!

    Stumpy is glad we don't have any kitties to contend with. You have our complete sympathy!

  7. Really? That is not nice! How do you blog???
    That is so not fair! Luckily round here, I'm allowed to climb up, and everybody giggles when I type.

    Yesterday Danny Boy was teasing me (as a game) and I was on my computer time. What key did I press? The Firefox Help of coarse! HEEELLLPPP MEEEE!!!!!!!!

    Cuddles & licks,
    Love Miley xxx

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