Oh Moe!

Moe is a cat who lives here with me.  We also have a cat named Chloe.  Moe snores like a trucker when she sleeps, even though she is a little thing.

She also sleeps on her face.  See?

I don’t know why she sleeps on her face, but at least it muffles the snoring a little bit.

I would also like to say that those shred marks in the arm of the couch were not made by anyone of the canine persuasion!


23 Responses »

  1. Oh Holy Moe-ly Oskar!! We've never seen anyone snooze on their FACE before, that's hilarious!!! Cats eh?!

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  2. Oskar, that is just adorable!! We've had lots of cats but never one that sleeps on it's face!! Love it!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  3. Oskar, the "Face Plant" is a time-honored sleeping position!
    And we bet the Cats didn't shred the sofa either. We think it was Evil Squirrels!

  4. Maybe Moe needs an eye mask. She may be keepin' out the light.

    But whatever…….it just confirms our opinion about cats. They're weird!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. Heehee! That is sooooo funny! I've never seen anybuddy actually sleep on their face. Most Impressive! Cap'n Ripley snores, too. But he snores like a pirate.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  6. Tee hee! I hope Moe doesn't make shred marks on your backside when she finds out you posted pictures of her sleeping on her face! That's hilarious!


  7. If only we could say our darling little woofie can't lay claim to scratches on the couch. She often jumps up onto the couch beside me but occasionally gets a claw in the wrong spot on the leather seat. But those sweet brown eyes of hers make us melt so I keep inviting her up beside me!

    PS Thank you for inviting visitors to our blog. It was great to be introduced to several new blogs..so I have some upcoming reading on my list.

  8. hehehe Oskar, I can say it is easy to understand!
    You know…cats nap are great! 🙂
    purrs and a nice week to you all
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

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