Me & Jack

Just hangin’ with my boy Jack.  He will be sixteen soon & then he will drive the car.  Jack is a bad driver.  We are skeered, but we love him!



30 Responses »

  1. Oskaw, pawhaps you could sit on Jack till he gets oldew and bettew at dwiving befowe you let him go out alone
    He looks like a nice young man and I'm suwe he loves you and doesn't want you to wowwy
    smoochie kisses

  2. Oh oh so young driving a car
    in The Netherlands you can drive with 18 years YOU HAVE LUCK Jack 🙂

    Oskar I think he will drive very carefull
    (I hope hahaha … 😉

  3. Oskar – the answer is soooooo easy

    1. take car keys
    2. go out the back door with keys
    3. dig a nice hole in a hidden part of the garden
    4. drop keys in hole
    5. fill the hole back in.
    6. go back inside and sit there looking totally innocent !

  4. Oskar, is that you? Gosh, I couldn't recognize you with all that fur on you! Looks some dog needs a haircut. BOL! I like Reilly's comment. I agree with him. You should totally do that.

  5. Hi Oskar…thank you for visiting us today. We love knew friends and my you are a handsome K9!!
    Your bro Jack looks like a very nice bro and we are sure he will be a very careful driver…especially when caring precious cargo such as you.

  6. Thanks for the warning, Oskar – tell Jack to be careful out there and no speeding and no texting while driving:0

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

  7. hehehe… I can NOT believe that you said your boy is a BAD Driver!! He would NOT be amused with you… IF he knew you had said that.

    I am sure he will get better with some practice… just don't volunteer to ride… SHOTGUN with him.. fur about 87 Months. BaaaWaaah

  8. Be sure to stay in the house when he gets behind the wheel!!! Enjoy hangin'

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

    Here kids get their licenses at 18 and then are on probation for 2 years….with restrictions. They have to have a P tag on their cars.

  9. oskar,

    maybe you could ride with jack and give him grrreat drivin' pointers. then you could come over to my house and give my mama some, too. HEEHEE.

    the booker man

  10. Oskar, Jack looks like a fine young man and we bet he will do fine on the road. Be sure and always go with him so that you can watch him and give him your advice!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  11. Maybe you can talk Jack into staying home wit you instead of driving for a couple more years.

    NO? Well, I tried!

  12. When my human brother turned 16 momma and master bought him a car but made him pay for his own insurance. Good thing too because he crashed two cars in less than a year. After that he had to pay for the car too. Hehehe.


  13. Jack is very handsome!
    I haves faith da he will be a good driver…eventually, hehehehe!
    But whatevers, please make sure he ALWAYS wears a seatbelt…we read too many stories.
    Much luck to you Jack!


  14. Oooh…we understand your concern. We have that when our human brother first got behind the wheel and he was seventeen!

  15. M says she understands your mom's worry over a teenage driver having had a daughter go through it. But she has to let him sprout his wings, and hope all the things she taught him through the years will reflect in his driving skills (and say a few prayers on the side). He he – you are lucky to have a big brother to play with.

  16. Well, prolly all Jack needs is a little practice. I know when I first got adopted, I couldn't even go up and down the stairs. But then I practiced and practiced and now I'm an expert at it! I bet Jack will be a great driver! Someday.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  17. he just LOOKS like a bad driver. I would be very scared. Kidding! With some more practice he can safely drive you to the dog park – then wouldn't you be lucky.

  18. hey Oskar,

    Don't be scared! The only way Jack will become a good driver is to practice, practice, practice! And if you can go with him to cheer him on and help him, I bet he will be an excellent, safe driver in no time!

    Good luck to Jack! And have fun!


  19. Cool picture, man we wish we had a jack to play with around here!
    Wear a helmet when driving around with those teens 🙂

  20. I'm sure Jack will be a good driver 🙂
    And if it makes you feel better here in NZ they can get on the roads at 15!

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

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