Category Archives: Jack


My youngest boy Jack went back to school this week.  I don’t like when he goes to school.

When he comes home I don’t let him out of my sight!

You can see by his face that he’s not thrilled to be back in school either!


We’re still here!  My mom person is still trying to sort out the tangled mess that is her brain.

There’s not alot going on to write about, but I thought I’d share this picture of me laughing and having fun!

Oh, & guess what?  My youngest boy Jack got his drivers license and a car.

My mom persons tummy hurts just thinking about him out there on his own!

Bitey Hand With My Boy Jack

This post needs little narration.  Bitey hand is a way that I let my people know who is in charge around here.

You can see that the session ended with Jack petting me, which obviously shows that I have won yet again. 

I hope you enjoy me furry look, because my nakie cut is right around the corner!


Hanging Out With Jack

I often utilize my new spot to help my boy Jack play video games.  Here I am concentrating very hard on what our next strategy should be.

I love my new spot because I can see out the window & be close to Jack at the same time.  Hey is that a bug on the floor?

Well I was trying to concentrate, until someone just couldn’t resist taking one more picture of me.

I guess I can’t blame her though, I am very photogenic!

I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday, filled with friends, family & fun!


Me & Jack

Just hangin’ with my boy Jack.  He will be sixteen soon & then he will drive the car.  Jack is a bad driver.  We are skeered, but we love him!


I’m Super Fast!

I was in the yard playing with my boy Jack & I was flying around so fast I was a blur. 

I was so fast my mom person couldn’t even get me in most of the photo’s.

I did consent to one picture for my fans.

Then Jack asked if I wanted to go in and get a cookie & this was all my mom person saw!

My nubbin’ ended backside!

To all of you wonderful people who inquired about my mom person’s tummy after my “rooty-tooty” post the other, she is doing really well.  She’s actually feeling better than she has in about a year, so thank you for all of your pawerful prayers & well wishes!

Photobucket and his mom person, Pam

Fall Is Here

It’s cool and breezy here.  My mom person says about 60 degrees.  Time to burrow in until we get an Indian Summer.

Bundling up is really the only way to go.  I hid my stupid Snuggie, who wouldn’t want to snuggle in a handmade quilt instead!

Then my mom person told me that my boy Jack was starting school again tomorrow.

Now I’m sad.

Sad, but still really handsome, right?


Expanding My Horizons

In an attempt to spend some bonding time with my youngest boy, Jack I’ve decided to do Video Games with him. When you do Video Games, you need to lay still and stare at the television for very long periods of time.

Here I am starting my first Video Games. You can see my nest is close by in case I get too tired!

My boy Jack just woke up & is not particularly open to my strategy.

I’m going to whisper it to him so Video Games doesn’t hear.

Jack keeps saying something about needing to move his arm, but whatever, I’m comfy.
