Words Hurt

There are some hurtful words being tossed around my house, friends.

Words like, stinky,

filthy & even…


How could this face be called, skuzzy?

A call was made, dates scheduled.  Folks, I don’t mean to make you all shudder, but I’m getting…GROOMED!



41 Responses »

  1. Oh, Oskar, I'm so sorry. But really, skuzzy? Never skuzzy. Anyway, have you seen what's considered groomed for humans these days – at least if you happen to be a famous Hollywood actor. Believe me, you look sleek and polished next to what shows up on those red carpets. But grooming happens no matter what you do, or so I've found. Just close your eyes and think of England as they say.

  2. I don't like them grooming encounters too.. i am DUE too…

    hope you'll have a good day at the groomers Oskar. I am sure Bella will be most impressed 🙂

    woofs n licks,

  3. Skuzzy???? Are you sure they weren't talking about the squirrels in the yard? We love your tussled look! Very cute.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. Well, Oskar, at least you will be getting a haircut along with your bath. Ginger, Sassy and I only get baths. Don't think of it as a bad thing! It's a day of beauty. Relax and enjoy it.
    Love, Chili

  5. Being short haired I am lucky to miss most of the grooming stuff but I do have to suffer through the nail clipping. Mom and dad can't even do it. One time they had a special and the place gave me a bath too. I cried the whole time I was there. I cry very loud. I am one customer they probably don't want back.

  6. Oh No – RUN, HIDE, grooming means a bath and a bath is done with water and water is terrible – it makes you shrink you know 🙂

  7. Skuzzy??? YOU???? ImPAWsible. How dare they??? So do you LIKE your Miss Buzz Off??? I actually DO like Mine… butt she has only ever given me ONE baff.

  8. I, for one, prefer Eau du Dog but the humans seem to hate it. They dont know what they're missing!

    *whispers* I was told I stink today too. I hope that doesn't mean we are both headed for the grooming table!
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  9. Oh, Oskar! I think you look wonderful! And I'm sure you smell wonderful too!

    Be careful at the groomer! Make sure they don't cut your beard too short again – you look so handsome with a long beard!

  10. Aw Oskar, it's OK. At least afterwards they won't call you mean names anymore.

    Charlie's quite upset that you've blogged about this though. See, he's been needing a good grooming himself for a while now but I've kept putting it off. But I figure if Oskar's getting groomed, Charlie might be due for it too. The biggest reason I haven't so far is 'cus I'm so lazy (I do it myself). So he's betting on procrastination winning, as usual.

    Sorry to hear your mom's more proactive than I am!

  11. Oskar, that's just plain mean. How could anyone not think you are the most handsomest dude around???!!!

    XXXOOO Bella (and the other two)

  12. Oskar, those are totally words that shouldn't be applied to you! I say if you have to be groomed, make sure you get the treats… work it for all it's worth! 🙂

  13. Oh Oskar dude! I can't believe you heard such words. Mom and I came up with this list: adorable, cutie pie, and my favorite: scruffy and fluffy!

    Well, I also get scheduled for the groomers, I actually have a standing appt every six weeks whether I like it or not. I will give you one hint: check the place out, if it's like mine they have treats on the counter for you! YUM, makes it all worth while dude!


  14. Oh Oskar – the injustice of it all makes me feel so sad. You are extremely handsome and I'm sure you smell like a proper dog 🙂

  15. Oh my.

    I think your cute. You probably smell good to all of us pups too.

    But, nobody like the groomer?

    Am I supposed to not like my groomer? I see her every month. I get a bath from Mom every 2 weeks.

    Oh well. Maybe you should come with me to my groomer. She gives me treats and is real nice too.

    woo woos, Tesse

  16. Ya know what?! I've been hearing those words too…he told me the other day that I stink like a dog! Can you imagine. I never told him he stinks like a human!! Ya know what I do?! I lay right on their pillow and take a little snooze!! Serves em right for being fresh!!

  17. The ONLY one who can REALLY control this IZ your mom y'no – she takez u tu the groomer – so REALLY it'z all up tu her how bad or good u mite look or smell. B-sidez, we think u look just fine the way u iz – no skuzzy there an'we can't smell u on the 'puter BUTT we bet u smell just fine.
    ~Shiloh'n Shasta~

  18. NO!! Not the dreaded "G" word!!!! But then again, you do need a little trim because all that scraggy hair of yours is hiding your very good-looking face. But I do hope it does not involve a bath after that.

  19. Them is fightin' words!!! We share your pain…..be brave, dear friend!!

    (((Hugs))) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  20. Don't worry, Oskar. You'll be hearing the sweetest words ever after your bath and groomies and you'll be getting lots of hugs and kisses too!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  21. You look just sweet – can't imagine how they are going to improve you.
    Good luck!

  22. I get the words "smelly and crusty" before I land in the little white cold room with the little white bath. In fact, mum didn't like the way my woozle smelled today, so I got put in that bath and just had a woozle shampoo!! Bad – but not as bad as the whole of me!! Hang in there mate, Tail Wuggles, Rubie. PS: On the brighter side, surely Bella will think you're even hotter with a new hair-cut and all, you know how us mini schnauzers come up super cute after being with the buzzers!!!

  23. Poor Oskar. Never mind. after grooming u will be extra gorgeous, if it's possible to be any more gorgeous than u already r!

  24. Oh no Oskar. Dat's terrible news. M says their schuazer never like to go to the groomer either. You is lucky you is a schnauzer instead of some breed that has to go more often. he he – you'll be even more handsome once they are through with you.

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