International Box Day

Since it’s International Box Day & I don’t do boxes, I thought that I would let Moe be in the spotlight today.  She loves this box & has a little ball that stays in it that she rolls around.  Sounds boring to me, but whatever!

Uh-oh, here comes Chloe wanting to have some box fun too!

There you have it folks, International Box Day Moe style!



26 Responses »

  1. That's a mighty nice box, Moe! Do you think there might be enough room for you to share with Chloe?

    Happy International Box Day, friends! 🙂

  2. Hehe. We don't do boxes either Oskar, but sure think this looks like fun…Putting a cat in a box is just up our alley. BOL.
    BabyRD & HOotie

  3. I had no idea today was a holiday! Darn it all! I'm glad that Moe enjoyed it for us since we missed it.


  4. Quick! Put a lid on!!!! Bruhaahaaahaa!

    Cats are strange.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

    Hope your birthday was smashing! Love, Bella

  5. super cute!! Cut some holes in the box so she can stick her paw out and she can push the ball out of the holes!


  6. Happy International Box Day!!! We couldn't find any boxes around here – seems like all we see is a lot of messy debris.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. hey Oskar,

    Happy International Box Day! I never heard of it, but as long as it brings happiness and fun to some, then Yay to International Box Day!

    Moe is funny! I heard cats are a little slow on the evolutionary scale compared to us dogs. As Moe shows, cats are still playing with balls in boxes while us dogs play with balls in big fields. Silly cats! But, you didn't hear it from me. I love cats! And Moe, no offense. You are an adorable kitty! :->


  8. Oskar,
    It's a cat thing. Woofies won't understand this thing. It's kinda complicated. har har har *evil laughs*

  9. Moe is so cute, and I agree, a box is perfect to play inside, take good naps and so on. I also love boxes!
    Great pictures!
    Luna – We love Luna

  10. Hmmm, I am more of a bag dog myself…you know, sticking your head in the shopping bags to sniff out any good treats. Is there an International Bag Day?!?
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

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