It’s Too Rainy To Get Up!

After my mom person got up & got out of the shower she found me still in bed & told me it was time to get out of bed!

So I did, BOL!



37 Responses »

  1. Woof! Woof! Just cloudy n cool here. Hope you find something to do inside. Happy Friday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Oskaw
    It's dweawy and wainy and hoomid hewe too and I am staying in the house snuggling on the bed ow the sofa too
    gweat minds think alike
    smoochie kisses

  3. Well Oskar
    you can sleep the whole day ….
    why not ….
    we do it also 😛

    hugssss and nose kisses from
    Kareltje =^.^= ♥ Betsie >^.^<

  4. How funny! You were obedient and that is what counts, huh Oskar? Sweet dreams sweet boy! Hugs and nose kisses

  5. You are one smart pup, Oskar – best to snooze while it rains. But we sure hope the sun comes out soon for you.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  6. Your mommie made you move? My mom makes me get off the bed too sometimes! I hates it when she does that!

  7. Oskar, you did very well!! Out of bed and to the chair..that's the way it should always be!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

  8. I don't blame you one bit,,,,
    who wants to go out and get wet in the rain? Stay inside and nap!

  9. That's the best way to deal with the rain, Oskar.

    Every morning when it's time for my human to get up I scratch myself until the bed shaking wakes her.

    Then I snuggle back down until she comes and gets me for our morning walk. Sometimes I can be very difficult for her to wake up – the cheek of it, just when I'm all schnoozerly!

    Puppy kisses

  10. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, very funny! I like your idea. It's rainy and a little chilly here this morning, so I think I'll follow your lead and just move from nap-site to nap-site today!
    Grr and a Chuckling Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  11. Rainy days were meant for snoozes! What was she thinking??? Oh, maybe she was jealous and really wanted to just climb back in and join you, but couldn't. Can't blame her! The rain has made the Sibes all sleepy (and then some spurts of zoomies since hu-Mom won't let them run and get muddy!) Enjoy your snoozes! (And catc a few zzzz's for us too, okay? Thanks!)

  12. Sometimes you just have to lay around…it's our dog given right…Every morning he leaves me on the bed and then I just sleep there while she gets ready for work and does her hair and makeup…I just lay around, under the covers, on my back until it's time to go down stairs and start the day!! it's the best time I think. Enjoy!!

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