19 Responses »

  1. They look like a couple of cuties!! We will stop by and say hello fur sure!!

    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  2. Oh aren't they cute.. They look like our kitty sister, Serendipity.

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  3. Somebody's got some pretty clever parents 🙂 Or did they make that kitty cottage all by themselves???

    The Road Dogs

  4. That is such a funny photo Oskar! We'll stop by to say "Woof"!! Hope we don't scare 'em!
    BabyRD & HOotie

  5. hey Oskar,

    You are such a sweet pup for introducing your new friends to everyone. And how cool that you even include kitty-cats! :->

    Great photo! They are very cute kitties and look like they are having fun. I will paw my way over to woof a "hey!" Hope they don't mind a big pup!


  6. Bonjour Oskar,
    They are adorable, I will visit them, I love their box, it's funny to play!
    Happy Weekend,
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

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