Bath Time Oskar Style

Someone had to have a bath this weekend.  It wasn’t too bad though because they used some new Royal Pet Club Mediterranean Sea Breeze shampoo and conditioner on me.  It smells more like boy stuff, so I didn’t come out smelling like a fruit salad this time.

Then they let me outside & came at me with the towel of doom.  I have to warn you what happened next is not pretty.

In the end I emerge victorious and smelling like a sea breeze.  Watch for our review of Royal Pet Club shampoo & conditioner on Pet Blogs United later this week.



31 Responses »

  1. We don't like baths at all, Oskar, but we don't seem to mind a good rubdown with a towel. Mom has to do it to us when it rains because three of us love to sit out in the rain.

    Bet you smell really nice now. Shake shake shake!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. Oskar!
    Sure you smell grrreat now!
    That thing of the rubdown with a towel is not always funny!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. How AWFUL!
    I got a butt bath yesterday…something was stuck in my pantaloons but I'm not saying what…
    xx Sweet Pea

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwww Buddy I am so very sorry that they have washed off your Wonderful DEADED POSSUM scent. NOT FAIR at ALL.

  5. Hey Fuzz Butt!
    Wow, that's rough, but your voters have spoken and this is your (only) name for the next week! BOL. Thanks for playing and good luck in the drawing.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Host

  6. Wow, you get to go outside after your bath??? Mama doesn't let us go outside cause we ALWAYS find stinky stuff to roll in!

    Can't wait to read the shampoo review!

  7. Hi Oskar
    Your right!! You do smell like a sea breeze and I can smell you over here at my house! Oh now when I think of you- I think of the ocean!
    And I also think how fluffy your furs are right now.

  8. We thought you would go roll on the grass! What a great woofie you were, not scratching or biting or crying. We hope you got a treat after your ordeal. xoxo

  9. Aghhh, the dreaded bath!
    We can't bear to look, quick, go roll in something smelly 🙂
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  10. Euwwww….that's scary…fruit smelling shampoo and towel of doom you said? I hate baths too. I'm of the dry cleaning type though. purrr…..meow!

  11. As a cat, I prefer to bathe myself however, if I've been out in the rain or something, I do enjoy a good rub-down with a dry towel. purrs

  12. We HATE baths too! You should hear the noise we make. And see the scratches we leave. We think you behaved very well.

  13. wow Oskar,
    You are so brave my friend!I would be very scared about the bath time.You did it great!Awesome!
    purrs, love and a nice week
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

  14. Usually when we get baths — Mommy's the one who ends up soaked! I don't know if she would like smelling like the manly sea breeze shampoo. Too bad for her, I guess.

  15. hey Oskar,

    You look so tiny in the tub all wet. I am not a fan of the bath either, but glad to know your humans got you some masculine smelling shampoo instead of the fruity kind.

    I also don't mind the towel rub. But your photos are hilarious. You really wanted to get out from under that towel! And I must woof, you look very handsome, and big!, at the end!


  16. Parker is not the biggest fan of bathtime either. I have a photo of him on his blog, giving the similar "do I have to be here?" look, just like Oskar.

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