Snow Wars

The flu has hit our house hard, landing my mom person in the hospital twice for dehydration, so we haven’t been able to keep up with blogging.

While all of the snow has melted now, I thought I would show you what my boys did a couple of weeks ago.

While shoveling the driveway, John thew some snow on Jack’s windshield.  This caused Jack to retaliate by piling up snow behind my mom person’s van, since John was going to leave soon to go out with friends.

050John went outside and Jack pushed him into the pile of snow & a chase ensued.




Everyone calmed down and we thought the battle was over.  We should have know that John would not let it rest like that.  This is what we woke up to the next day.



That’s Jack’s car under there.  John had spent half the night totally covering Jack’s car with snow while the rest of us were sleeping.  I think it’s safe to say that John won this round.  I can’t wait to see what comes next!



37 Responses »

  1. BWHAHAHAHA…Oh dis is awesome! I so wished I could have been theres to seen dis fur reals! What a bunch of fun boys, I is still laughin’ bouts da buried car. My paws up to John!

    Now bout dat FLU, I is so sorry. We has been theres and it was da most horrible experience. Of course mum says it was worse fur her. I hope you mom gets all betters.

    we three doxies recently posted..Join Pip’s Bucket ListMy Profile

  2. A Snow War!! Hope you all never get into a poops war!!

    Glad that you are better NOW!! Yea fur THAT.

    Can’t wait to see the next installment of the Snow wars.

  3. Dear Oskar,
    wow…lots of snow there!
    So sorry for the news, I hope your sweet mommy is feeling better today…poor mom! I’m sending purrs, love and good lights for you all!

  4. Gosh, we sure are sorry to hear that the Mom was so sick. That is kind of scary. What a hoot to cover up the car with snow. Bet someone said some bad words the next day. Take care and we hope the Mom gets better really soon.
    Marg recently posted..Thankful ThursdayMy Profile

  5. That is a LOT of snow to shovel!

    Sorry to hear about the hospital trips! How scary! The flu is bad this year. Everyone I know has it. Rest up and be well!

    *Sprays can of Lysol at computer screen.* :O

  6. Oh dear I don’t think I would want to live in your household, why burying a car in snow I would never find it. Sorry you are sick with that nasty flu, we hope you get better soon.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot
    Pssssss ~ I am going to have to post about the box of Iams biscuits I got it was so funny they were all rejects. Little thin flat things. Iams made good right away.
    Lee recently posted..TOYSMy Profile

  7. Oh Oskar, we had a BIG laugh when we read this!!! How funny!!! And, I have to say, such dedication to practical jokey-iness is wonderful to see!!! We were very worried to read about your mom though – that is one very nasty dose of flu. We are thinking of her, hoping she gets better very soon and NO more trips to the hospital are required!!


    Groucho recently posted..My New CareerMy Profile

  8. BOL! Oh that’s funny! What a rascal Ha! Well nothin like a good laugh to make ya feel better. Hope that flu bug flies away from your home soon!

    Waggin at ya,

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