How Could I Have Pancreatitis When I Can’t Even Pronounce It?

See that big P word up there?  That’s what I have.  Apparently it’s because I have something called a pane-cree-us.  You probably have one too.

It made me puke lots.  I’m not used to puking and I didn’t like it.

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This was right on the tail end of recovery from my back thingie that made me have to stay still for 2 weeks!  To help my back get better the vet gave me a pill to make me look like Arnold Schwarzenegger called a steroid.

I didn’t get big muscles, but I did get the pukes…  Miniature schnauzers are 10-20% more likely to get pancreatitis than other breeds. I guess the steroids helped get the pane-cree-us sick.

(A tip to my friends, don’t search Google Images for dog pancreas…apparently my insides are not excessively handsome like my outer self.)

I’m on a special food from the vet and my mom person talked to her friends at Iams to help determine with my vet the best food for me going forward to keep my innard part from getting sick.

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I haven’t been able to be groomed for months because of all this.  Now you know how much I enjoy working up a big stink in my furs, but I’m getting a little too scuzzy even for me!


19 Responses »

  1. Oh Noes! Oskar, dude! I am so sorry to hears abouts your sickies, and the mean ‘itis’ that is attackin’ your pane-cree-us! Just not right….
    Wells, I am sendin’ you lots of healin’ vibes and AireZens to helps you feel betters. Don’t worry abouts the stank, I’m workin’ on a good one myself!! BOL Ma doesn’t even thinks the doggie deodorizer is gonna help at this point! hehehe
    Ruby ♥
    Ruby recently posted..Kinda-Almost Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  2. Oh Oskar! We have missed you and are so sorry to hear about your sickies! Our blog furiend Kyla has that kind if sickies too and has to eat very low fat foods. We will send some POTP so you feel better!

    Edgar and his mum
    Edgar recently posted..Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  3. No grooming…at least there’s a silver lining.

    Those sickies are the pits. We’ll keep our paws crossed. He hope you’re back playing with your blue toys soon.

    XXXOOO Daisy & Roxy

    And EXTRA special smoochies from Bella

  4. Oskar Buddy we are so sorry that you have had this bad owie and sickie patch. WE are crossing our paws that your Pan-cree-us gets TOTALLY better in like 87 seconds. Here are some Dachshund VIBES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  5. SO SORRY to hear this!!!! SO GLAD to see you again!!! Your handsomeness makes every day brighter!!!!! I like the picture where you are sticking your tongue out!!!!!! I can’t smell the Oskar stink, so all is good!!!! ha ha…Love you buddy…and your peeps too!!!!!

  6. Hey Oskar…we are so sorry you have had such a rough time. My kitty cousin was on prednisone for IBD. At first they thought he had pan-Cree-us but turns out it was diabetes which can result from steroids too…
    Hugs and nose taps Madi your bfff

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