Category Archives: Bully Sticks

Now Listen Up

I believe you have something that belongs to me.

I will bore into you with my steely glare, until you give in.

What do you mean, awww, how cute??  Steely Glare!  *sigh*

No listen, I got a bully stick from last week & I have not had the pleasure of trying it yet.  You know this is my first bully stick so can’t I just have it now please I demand that you release it to me now!

And furthermore…huh?  I can have it!

Ooh dee-licious…

Smells good too.

Friends, let this be a lesson that sometimes we need to be firm with out people.  We need to be the alpha so that they know who’s the boss.

Off to enjoy my bully stick!

Photobucket Review

We were lucky enough to be contacted by, & they have really gone all out.  They offered a review for this blog, a $50.00 giveaway on Pet Blogs United, and even a $50.00 promo code for one of our favorite shelters, PAWS to use for supplies.

We were thrilled with the items that we ordered from, although it did start out a bit dissapointing for me, Oskar. 

When the first box arrived I could not wait to dig in.

I knew that there had to be something wonderful in there.

Uhhh, kitty litter…yippee…

But my mom person says that I have to tell you that the kitty litter is available at great prices and shipping is only $4.95 flat rate shipping, no matter how heavy your order & if you order $49+ worth of product shipping is free!  Plus the mailperson does most of the work lugging the heavy bags of food or litter which makes her happy too.

Now the next box was more to my liking,

Treats for the kitties & Greenies & my very first bully stick for me.

We’ve got to tell you that is fast & easy to use, has comparable prices to your neighborhood store & shipping is fast & inexpensive. get a paws up & a thumbs up from me and the old mom person.  Give them a try the next time you need supplies or an assortment of yummy treats!
