Category Archives: My Birthday

I’m One Lucky Dog!

So you may have heard that yesterday was my birthday.  I had to wait for my dad person to come home before I could have my presents.  This is how I felt about that.

Then the UPS man came with a package addressed to ME!  OMG, it from my blogging buddies JD & Max & their wonderful female human, Clare.

Once he got home we broke into my loot from my friends.  Holy cow look at all of this stuff!

The first thing that caught my eye was the yellow ball that makes cool noises.  It’s made out of hard plastic so that my jaws of steel can’t destroy it.  I had to take it into the yard immediately!

Next I had to try out one of the BBQ squirrels they sent.  BBQ squirrels, it’s like a dream come true!

Next I had to try the birthday cupcake squeaky toy.

It’s pawsome just like everything else they sent.  Thank you so very much JD, Max & Clare!

Now onto the presents from my people.  First I opened the squeaky warthog.

Then I got some foam to go into my kong, some Buddy Berries to go in my Squirrel Dude & some Greenies.  Are you even keeping up with all of this loot?

I spent the evening going back and forth trying to chew on my cupcake and warthog at the same time.

I’ve got to tell you that 6 was my best birthday ever.  So many of my friends came by to give me birthday wishes & that made everything perfect, so thanks to you all.

My Last Day Being 5

Well since I’m going to be 6 tomorrow, I figured I’d better take full advantage of my last day as a 5 year old.  6 just seems so much more mature, doesn’t it?

I’m sniffing out every inch of my yard to make sure all is in order.  I’m sure the celebration that will happen tomorrow will take all of my energy, so I have to be extra cautious to make sure everything is secure.

Plus I figure being outside gives my mom person all the time necessary to turn my house into a birthday wonderland.

How do you prepare for your birthday’s?
