Camera Critters

Camera Critters

Mom person: Oskar, it’s time for Camera Critters.

Mom person: Why don’t you make a great big yawn, that would be a cute Camera Critter picture.

Mom person: Maybe you could lay by one of your sisters, Chloe or Moe. Cats are critters, too!

Mom person: I’ll just zoom in for a close up. Your woozle is all messed up, that’s cute.

Mom person: That a boy, stretch and we’ll get you all posed.

Mom person: Oskar, where are you going?


Click for more Camera Critters.



23 Responses »

  1. Oh Oskar, the things we have to put up with from our humans eh? They abuse us so much for their entertainment – sometimes we feel it's almost too much for a pup to bear – sigh! Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  2. Oskar,

    You done grrrate! Even-tho, you did'nt want to. May now your mommy will leave you alone for a while.

    You hansum devil, you!


  3. Oskar, since 'diva' is female, are you a 'divus' or a 'divo'?
    At least you have the comforts of sort of a divan 😉 And you're cute!

  4. Oskar, since 'diva' is female, are you a 'divus' or a 'divo'?
    At least you have the comforts of sort of a divan 😉 And you're cute!

  5. Oskar, as always I am speechless about how handsome you are. Thank you for the close ups. I am going to have Mom make copies and pin them up around my play area(blushing). I am with you 100% on that last picture.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhh sweet Oskar…
    SUre humans are very very boring with their obsession to take photos of us….
    But Oskar……you're sooooooooooooooo handsome that is very very difficult don't take pics of you!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks to your mommy to show us your beautiful face!!!!
    WE love youuuuuuuu!!!!
    Tons of love and kisses

  7. I've noticed for some reason…uh um…that my mom/person is always in tote with a CAMERA too…

    Good stretch Oskar..and looks to me like you and I both need to go to the….G….ugh..Groomers.

    Mom/person likes me FLUFFY…

    Paws Up!

  8. Great action shots Oskar….ha ha! Sometimes you've got to let them adapt to you, not the other way around.
    Have a nice day!
    your pal,

  9. I love you Oskar! You just don't let your people do what they want to, when they want to. I'm sure it must have been quite hard to train them.

    Love from Brazil my dear!

  10. Ha! HA! HA! OSkar – that had me laughing out loud!! I can SO relate!! Am glad I'm not the only doggie who has a camera-mad human who is always poking them in their sleep and trying to get them to pose!! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane

  11. Oh my dear Oskar, I think you are tired now after so many poses and pictures.Anyway it's wonderful because you are so handsome and I loved your close up!
    Please forgive my absence, mommy and dad were out and I tried to start up the computer but I think I'm not good with these things! 🙁
    Anyway I'm happy now visiting your blog!
    purrs and love

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