Expanding My Horizons

In an attempt to spend some bonding time with my youngest boy, Jack I’ve decided to do Video Games with him. When you do Video Games, you need to lay still and stare at the television for very long periods of time.

Here I am starting my first Video Games. You can see my nest is close by in case I get too tired!

My boy Jack just woke up & is not particularly open to my strategy.

I’m going to whisper it to him so Video Games doesn’t hear.

Jack keeps saying something about needing to move his arm, but whatever, I’m comfy.



15 Responses »

  1. Ooh, Oskar, Video Games look like fun!

    My human doesn't play Video Games, but she does spend a lot of time looking at the TV.

    If she's lying down on the couch, I like to sit in front of her face, because obviously that's where the best view of the TV is, and I don't want to miss it.

    Puppy kisses

  2. Hi Oskar – we've always known you are a helpful hound who always puts others first! You are so thoughtful to help Jack like this – he's a lucky lad to have you around!

    Our humans occassionally play this thing called a wee – makes us want to cross our legs just thinking about it! We get very confused when they play it – they look like they're throwing things but they're not… We've decided we don't like their wee as we usually get shut in the kitchen when they do – humph!

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  3. Oskar, that looks like fun, sometimes my big sis plays those and I am going to have to try your strategy and lay on her arm. I will let you know how it works.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha
    p.s. You are looking as handsome as ever(blushing)

  4. Darling Oskar, I know that your momma was all upset by our blog entry today but please tell her that it is important for us to know these things. It helps to shed light on the horrors to hopefully stop them.

  5. Wow Oskar – you are so advanced! I would never know how to do Video Games!! My humans are really boring and never play things like that. But they do spend a lot of time staring at the computer machine and the TV box! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane

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