Oskar Cooks ~ Vegetarian Mini Muffins

Vegetarian Mini Muffins
This is an awesome natural dog treat recipe!
1 apple, cored and shredded
2 cups (480 ml) carrots, shredded
⅓ cup (100 ml) molasses
¼ (60 ml) water
1 cup (250 ml) flax seed
¼ cup (60 ml) dry oats
¾ cup (200 ml) whole wheat flour

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

If the shredded carrots and apple are too wet, add some extra oats or flour to the mixture until it is a thick batter.

Lightly grease mini muffin tins and spoon the mixture into the compartments until they are about ¾ of the way full and bake for 15 minutes at 400°F (200°C) or until browned.

These freeze very well for a yummy treat any time! These also make great Christmas presents for the other dogs in your life.



20 Responses »

    We're drooling….OMDDDDD!!!
    What a delicious recipe for us!!!!
    We're asking mommy to cook them for us immediately!!!
    Gnam gnam gnam…..
    Thanks for sharing with us!!!
    HAve a ownderful…and delicious day!!!!
    Tons of love and kisses

  2. These sounds like a great party favor for the puppies that come with their humans to Mama's Holiday Party!

    She is soooo printing this out!!

    Thank you Smileys!

  3. Ooh…that recipe sounds yummy! I think I'm going to ask Mom to bookmark this for her next baking project! *grins*


  4. Yummy, Oskar, my Mommy said that sounded delicious for doggies. What a good cook you are. I must try to get Mommy to make those for me and Mack.
    Sally Ann

  5. Mmmm!! Add some cream cheese frosting and they'll be even more heavenly!! You can even get fancy and use some bacon bits for decoration 🙂

    Brutus the Frenchie

  6. Oskar, Thank you for sharing that recipe. My Mommy makes me cookies and I am going to get her right on these. You look very handsome in your chefs hat(blush).

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  7. Sounds yummy indeed! We're gonna "beg" our Mamma to bake us some!! Thanks for the great recipe!

    ((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  8. Oh no! There's no picture! We wanted to drool, Oskar!
    Thank you for the recipe! We're going to ask mom if she'll please give it a try!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  9. Hiya Oskar – greetings from Egypt! The boys have loved – and I mean LOVED – all the treats you've served up on your cooking corner before. They wolf them down with much more relish than any shop-bought variety so I'll be trying this out for them (and their pals!) upon our return to the UK. Missing being able to read about our bloggie pals in detail but have to say am REALLY enjoying Egypt! Speak soon – female human, aka CJ!!

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