All About Your People!


Well it’s here & I hope lots of you will play along. Since our people do such a good job of blogging for us, I thought we could get a little recognition.

The only rules are that I ask you to copy and past the button at the top of my sidebar & then add your post to my Mr. Linky. We’ll be leaving Mr. Linky up all weekend for you to add your link.

Try to visit as many links as you can, so that we can all make new friends.

O.K., about me. I live with my mom person, my dad person & my boys John & Jack. John’s girlfriend is here a lot too, so I’m going to include her too.

We live in Waterford, Michigan in the U.S. Right about here.


For any of you outside of the U.S., Michigan is shaped like a mitten, so we can always tell people where we live by holding up our hands, well people can, paws don’t work so well.

This is my dad person, Chris.


He is 41 years old & works for a local college in the admissions department. He came into a ready-made family of my mom person & John & Jack. My people have been married almost 7 years. My dad person loves the outdoors & going camping when he isn’t working about 42,879 per week. He’s also an awesome cook & sometimes I get to eat some of his yummy food.

Here is my mom person, Pam. She also blogs under the name Mimi. I guess it was her nick name when she was little & she still likes it.


She used to work all the time, but she has been sick the past few years. She has something called bi-polar depression, and last year she got a tummy sickness called gastroparesis. This means that the muscles in her tummy don’t munch up the food well, so she has lost lots of weight since that picture was taken and spent way too much time in the hospital. She’s doing better now, but the depressions & the tummy problems won’t ever go away. She say that I am one of her best medicines!

She reads lots of books, blogs a lot, and watches way too much TV. Shows called NCIS & Criminal Minds are her favorites. She is 43 years old.

My oldes boy is John David. He is 18. His girlfriend is LeighAnne. She moved away from her house for college and now lives close to us. They have been together almost a year and a half.


John is studying for his GED and plans on going to college in the fall to take some classes. John pays lots of attention to me & you can usually find me protecting him during thunder storms.

Here’s me & John after I helped him plant some trees for my dad person’s birthday.


This is my youngest boy, Jack. He just turned 15 and will be going somewhere called high school in September.


Jack only lives here half the time. He spends the other half of the time with his dad person, so we miss him sometimes. (John & Jack are both from my mom person’s first marriage.) Jack didn’t like me when I first came to live here. I used my needle-like puppy teeth to bite his face alot, but he has forgiven me now.

Both of my boys love music, video games and hanging out with friends, which doesn’t include me!

Now it’s your turn to add your link. Please put the link to your actual All About Your People post, not just the main link to your blog, so when friends visit, they don’t have to hunt around.



44 Responses »

  1. greetings, oskar!
    allow me to formally introduce myself — i am asa, booker's big sister. it has become customary for me to guest post on booker's blog every friday, and i am quite enthralled to participate in your "all about your people day" tomorrow!
    my mom, booker, and myself found your post delightful. we enjoyed educating ourselves about your family. were you aware that my mom also suffers from gastroparesis? she sympathizes with your mom very much so. also, we found the hand to michigan analogy most humorous!
    thank you for organizing this excellent event!

  2. Hello Oskar,

    Just wanted to come over and introduce myself. I thinks that this is wonderful idea and I hope to participate in it too, but it might not be until Saturday.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. Hi Oskar, enjoyed reading all about your family. We will be posting about our human; but we won't be able to do the linky bit because we're not very technical!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  4. Hi Oskar, we found you thru Honey's blog.
    This is a fun idea!
    What's funny is our friend is from Wisconsin and she says Wisconsin is that state shaped like a mitten, and my boyfriend, who's mom is from Michigan always argues with her that Michigan is the mitten shaped state! Im going to send her your post just to show her she's wrong! 🙂

  5. Hi, Oskar!
    I loved reading about your people!
    My idiot mom did not remember today was the day to post about it!
    I hope we can do it this weekend!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. Hi Oskar,

    It's very nice to meet you and your humans!

    We found you through Honey's blog and would love to join in the fun of sharing information about our humans!

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  7. hi oskar,
    i left you a comment in another entry, but lemme introduce myself agains. my name is Luna and i found you through bookie and asi's bloggie. i am hoping we can be furends (i am following you now)?? i think this is a great idea~! i will write abouts my family tomorrow afternoon~!! 🙂


  8. Shiloh & Shasta here- We just finished r'z. We put one of thoze Mister Linky thingz on your blog but it didn't show yet. We will chek it agin later.

  9. Hiya Oskar – oh, we can't wait to post, but it probably won't be until the weekend. We were planning to post today but JD now has a very poorly paw, can't walk properly and might need a small op – we'll find out today what our options are. So it's been a bit hectic, with this coming on the back of both of us having tummy troubles!

    This is such a great idea Oskar – we loved finding out more about your people. We reckon schnauzers are indeed one the best medicines around and should be available in our country on the NHS, he he he! We laughed when you said you used your younger boy as a teething soother – great idea when you're a puppy isn't it?

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  10. What a great post, Oskar! We know your family so much better now! We love how you show hoomans where you live in Michigan on your hand!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  11. Hi Oskar! I think that I have managed to put a linky here at your page now, but I am not sure. It kind of disappeared the first time.
    Anyway, it was fun reading about your human family! I wrote a long post about mine too! Hope you will like it!
    /Cerberus the Cool

  12. honey ask us to check out your blog
    well we gonna do that to
    there is alot to tell about sanne

    thanks fur the lovely story

    El'bow & Hauwii

  13. We love this! We just found you and are going to work on this today when Mom gets back! Thanks so much for the great idea. We are adding the button to our blog now!
    ~Milly and Shelby

  14. Oskar,

    LUVED learning about your peoples.
    I worked ALL night and got my post done, thanks again for hosting this!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Dont furget to come visit me at my bloggie, I luvs making new furiends.

  15. Hi Oskar! I know we're new furends but I hope you don't mind that I played along today. It was SO much fun finding out abouts the the humans in your family. They all seem Most Sweet and it looks like they all luvs you a LOT! You sure are lucky to have them!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  16. Hello there Oskar!

    You are the most smartest dog to think up this idea! I would love to pawticipate…..and also become furrends!


  17. Hi Oskar! We came over from Mayzie's blog (we also saw you talked about at Norwoods). We thought your idea for "All About Your People" day was a great one! We hope you don't mind cats visiting you – we have a ton of doggie friends and just love to read the doggie blogs (we read kitty blogs too of course). If it is cool with you we are going to do this too (on Saturday – we already have our Friday post up)- and then of course other kitties will see it and maybe join in. Again – we are nice, doggie loving kitties! It is so cool of you to come up with this, and it was fun to meet your people – now we just need to go back in the blog a bit and read about you too!

  18. Hi Oskar – it'z Shiloh& Shasta agin. We finally had a little time to read your post an'leave a comment. Whata great story – an;we du fav sumthin'in common – we all help r mom'z feel better. R mom haz truble with depression fer yearz then about 7 yearz ago she also d-veloped gastroparesis which the doctor thinks iz due tu nerve damage done a long time ago. We really like lerning all this stuff about every pupperz pawrentz – this wuz a great idea u had.. This doggy bloggie thing duz really seem like a worldwide community.

  19. Hello Oskar! My name is Noelle and my pup Jackie just left a comment on your "Blog About Your People Day" post. I just read your post about your people and was flabbergasted! You look JUST like my schnauzer Truffle, who lived with me for 15 years. If you look at Jackie's blog post "My Predessors", you can see a photo of Truffle. I also have bipolar depression, just like your mom. My boy Ben just turned 16 and used to have hair just like your boy Jack, and he lives with us half the time too and the other half with his dad. So, wow, I just had to let you know!

  20. Hello Oskar….One of the things about my mom is that she is a space-cadet and she didn't realize until just now that she was supposed to add her linky until NOW! My mom is also a blonde so you get the picture, right?
    I really like learning about new humans even though I'm just a dog and I am very sorry you, Mrs. Mom, has bipolar issues but we are very very glad you are here with us so we can cheer you up with our silly doggish antics! Your dad seems like my dad because they both like to cook! In fact, my mom doesn't cook at all (that blonde thing again)but she knows how to make her own cereal and she knows how to open the refrigerator door…heehee!
    I am going to write about you and about my humans in just a few minutes so get ready to start reading our post!
    Love…Daisy the Coonhound

  21. Oskar – this was such a cool idea. We got so caught up in Blogging the Change and then Sat Blog Hop and well, we're just not that good at multi-tasking and didn't get around to posting here. Not to mention that our humans totally wouldn't cooperate with having their pictures taken! Anyway, we're enjoying reading about other's humans. It's been a busy blogging weekend! And there's so much more going on next week, too. Hope we don't forget Luna's slumber party!
    Have a fun day!
    The Road Dogs

  22. Aaaaack, I cames to add my linky but it was already done, thank you furs doing it and sorry I didn't get heres sooner.
    So, Oskar, it is so nice to finally meet you and dis was such a super duper idea yous thunked up.
    You haves a great family and such sweet, attentive boys. I bet it was hard training teenage boys, huh?
    You have a purty mom too. I'm sorry her has been under da weather and stuffs. My mum has been on antidepressants since 16 so her knows aaaall bouts dat.
    I am so glad I gots to meet you and your family.


  23. Hi Oskar!
    Nice to meet you!
    Honey told us about your blog and we wanted to ask you if we can join your great game!

    Rufus and Indie

  24. I found your blog and this great idea through some of my other bloggie pals so I am going to do a post about my humans too!

  25. Sorry I'm so late, Oskar, but I finally did my post about my humans! Thanks again for such a great idea!

    And I LOVED your post!! It was so nice finding out more about your family – and I never realised your human is so brave with all her sickies – me & Hsin-Yi think she is amazing!!!! 🙂 And you're very lucky to have such a wonderful human family…

    Honey the Great Dane

  26. Hi Oskar,
    What a great idea !
    I was very happy to learn about your humans; come and read about mine…
    Love from Bella and family

  27. I fink dis is wunderful! Pwease wet me no next time yu do it! I want to show off my hoomans too! 😀

    giant wet kisses,

  28. Hi Oskar!

    My name is Oscar too! I found out about your blog from Honey and my human and I really enjoyed reading about your brave human and the rest of your beautiful family. My human has been sick all weekend so we didn't get a chance to participate but it sure was a great idea! We got to know a lot of doggies and their families a lot better, which is what we love about blogging. So thank you!

    Love, Oscar and the gang

  29. Oskar – this is such a great idea. I hope you leave the linky open a few more days so more peoples can sign up. It will take me more than a couple days to get through and read all the posts.
    I look forward to learning a bit about the humans behind my favorite pet written blogs.
    Usually I don't let the animals here play with the computer. Vespa has a habit of unplugging it. Teak and Foz (and others) get sticky drool between the keys. They are not as civilized as that blogger Remington.
    And don't get me started on Zamboni's antics. A ball of eneregy that one. Maybe if you do this again next year, when he hs time to mature… or the year after?
    Thank you again.
    Oh- we have a cat, Gracie, who can show where we are in Wisconsin on her hand. She has extra digits.

  30. Dear Oskar, I didn't post about my people but know that I thought your idea was brilliant. I got tons of gossip out of some blogs BOL Now, I was really sad to learn about your mommy. Chronic illnesses are really tough, even on the family. I know 'cause my mommy is suffering from a chronic condition that makes her … no fun at times. I did enjoy learning about where you live and your folks.
    Oh, and I did remember to post about your event, that was the least I could do.

  31. Woof! Woof! We've been busy n just catching up on reading blogs. Good to meet your family. I bet blogging helps your mom … it does make my mom happy n having great bloggie friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  32. Nice to meet your peeps! Mom really wantd to play too, but we got way busy and way behind again. It was a great idea you had, and we'll still try to do a post like this sometime! Nice for us doggies to show off our bipeds who make this all possible!

    Brutus & Carmen

  33. It's so nice to know a bit more about our friends. This is a good idea. Not sure if we'll get something put together in time though. We are usually a day late and a dollar short!
    BabyRD and Hootie

  34. Hi Oskar!

    My name is Homer. I'm a 5 year old male golden retriever and I'm an international jet setter. Checkout my blog to find out more about me! 😉

    This is my first time visiting your blog. I love it and I'll be back for more.


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