Fall Is Here

It’s cool and breezy here.  My mom person says about 60 degrees.  Time to burrow in until we get an Indian Summer.

Bundling up is really the only way to go.  I hid my stupid Snuggie, who wouldn’t want to snuggle in a handmade quilt instead!

Then my mom person told me that my boy Jack was starting school again tomorrow.

Now I’m sad.

Sad, but still really handsome, right?



20 Responses »

  1. Oh my yes you are very handsome(blushing)!! Mommy and I love this weather also and since we live so close, we are having the same weather. I am sharing with my Oskar!

    Love licks and sniffs, Sasha

  2. Woof! Woof! Don't be sad. LOVE Fall weather but not looking forward for cloudy cold winter days. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. You are super Handsome. We Love the fall here in NH. Sorry that Jack is going to school, he will be back before you know it.

  4. Oskar, you are so lucky to have cooler weather. Chewy and Halo are still having to deal with the heat here in Texas. BTW, Chewy his his Snuggie too…he doesn't like. He prefers the blankets I crochet.

  5. Pleeeeze don't b sad Oskar – we iz still here – u can come an'talk tu us an'we will listen tu. An'u du look very handsum there on your quilt – u iz handsum anywherez u go. Mom sed we haf a cool front movin'in (whatever that iz) but it must haf sumthin'tu du with how it iz outside cuz it iz cooler out now. U iz kinda small so hope u don't git lost in that quilt.

  6. Dear Oskar,
    Believe mekn ow what are you feeling, because my sister went to school today here as well.School time again! 🙁
    It means that I will be waiting for her all day long…hmmm better to take a nap like you are doing there.You are lovely in these pictures!
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

  7. Wow! 60 degrees! Not HERE! It was 94 a couple days ago. Dad would love the cooler weather, but not Mom! She's with Frankie on that!
    The Road Dogs

  8. Terribly handsome, yesss. I've always thought so, but it was nice to hear your humble self say it out loud. BOL
    So nice to visit you, Oskar. I miss you, pal.

  9. Ooh… you look so nice and snuggly there.

    And we think you look really handsome!

    Puppy kisses
    Sasha & Rupert

    PS. Sasha thinks you look handsome. I, Rupert, think you look very puply.

  10. Oh cheer up Oskar..you can keep the quilt warm for your buddy and then snuggle together!! He'll be tuckered out from a full day anyway..and you'll be just the one he NEEDS!!!

    You look quite handsome with that quilt……it's like lookin in the mirror…hee hee…us handsome lookalikes…

    Paws UP!

  11. Aw Oskar, we hear ya! Sigh – it's horrible when the humans aren't always catering to our every whim every second of the day. Sometimes we feel the humans just don't understand how the world should work!

    But yes, you sure are one handsome schnauzer. We didn't choose you as our role model for nothing you know!

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

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