Someone Call The Humane Society!

There is a new form of animal cruelty going on in my household.  This picture is hard to look at, but you need to be brave and face it…

The Toaster of Doom

I’ll give you all a minute to collect yourselves.  Whew!

My people use this machine to terrify me.  It makes a loud, mean noise and flings hard bread!  I’ve learned to seek cover during these attacks.

After making sure that my family is safe, well at least the ones not located in the kitchen,

I hide protect the bathtub when the toast monster comes alive.

I hope this terrifying toast phenomenon does not hit your household!


31 Responses »

  1. That is the most luxureous toaster I have éver seen! If you are anything like our hairy barking four-leggers, you'll soon learn that tasty things come out of the scary thing and that it is worth getting over your fear. (Not that you are éver afraid of course.)

  2. Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee that is one scary thingy fur sure!! Thank dawgness my mom doesn't have such a hideous thingy in MY kitchen.

  3. I'm OK with the toaster monster in my kitchen – I've worked out that after that sound a human is making food – and that means SHARING with ME!! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  4. Ack! We do NOT have one of those toaster monsters in our house and I am SO very happy we don't. Why would anybuddy want something so terrifying? (Shudder) You are most wise to take cover in the bathtub, Oskar. Just make sure nobuddy turns on the water.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  5. Wow, we don't have the flinger type here.
    I bet you could catch it and then run off and eat the toast, If you like toast or er hard bread that is.

  6. Mitch runs towards our toaster when he hears the bagel popping up because it's toasted! He loves licking butter off the butter knife! My brother is wierd!

    Love ya lots,

  7. Oskar, stay safe from that machine!! Throws hard bread…that's scary!!! We don't have one or if we do, mom hasn't used it in four years!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  8. Gyak! Sounds terrifying! Thank Dog there's nothing like this in my house.

    Be sure to check if the bathtub is empty before hiding in, or you'd be splashing and swimming.


  9. OMC that was FUNNY!
    Our Dakota HATES the toaster. He hates it so much in fact that I replaced it with a toaster oven!
    When the toast used to pop up from the toaster he would start barking like a maniac!
    Strange dog indeed! xoxo

  10. Its OK Oskar!

    Mel makes toast in our family, and she picks me up to show me the toast going in and popping up. Then I get a little piece of toasted bread goodness!

    Maybe your Mom should lift you up and show you what the noise is and give you a treat or two!

    woo woos, Tessa

  11. Hey Oskar,
    Once you get over the fear, that monster makes real yummy bread….especially with butter….yummm…. purrr…meow!

  12. Nooooooooooooooooo!! Dis is just not a good thing. Who do those hoomans think they are?!

    If I was you, da next time one of those hard round rocks come flying out of that con-trap-tion, you grab it and wrestle it to da ground. And then you bite it, and bite it, and bite it!! You bite it til it's all gone!! Dat will teach them a lesson. Oh yes it will!!

    Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

  13. Sounds scarey Oskar! We don't have one of those I'm glad to say.

    If I hear anything making a clanging noise I always jump because I think it's the gates from my racing days.

    Love and licks, Winnie x

  14. Oh, that was just heart-breaking to watch! Nothing worse than scarey toast monsters….unless it's the Dyson vacuum monster! Now that is one freakn' scarey dude! We scatter like flies when that monster comes out of the closet!

    Take cover, Oskar….we're here if you need us!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  15. Oh, that was just heart-breaking to watch! Nothing worse than scarey toast monsters….unless it's the Dyson vacuum monster! Now that is one freakn' scarey dude! We scatter like flies when that monster comes out of the closet!

    Take cover, Oskar….we're here if you need us!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  16. Oskar! Get a grip on yourself. There are foodables shooting out of that thing. Suck it up and position yourself at the end of the trajectory and you will be pleased with the results.


  17. Hey Oskar, you should do what I do. My mom uses the toaster monster in the morning so I just go back to bed!!! This works really well for me.

    PS: Like your Christmas collar!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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